Eye Infection In Dogs: Types And Treatment

An eye infection in dogs is treated differently depending on the type and trigger. Learn about the different types of this condition.
Eye infection in dogs: types and treatment

The eyes are a very sensitive organ that can be damaged in different ways. Eye infection is also one of the various diseases. Different treatments are required depending on the type of eye infection in dogs.

What is an eye infection?

An eye infection in dogs is caused by the presence of pathogens that multiply at the site of the infection. The most common pathogens are bacteria, viruses or fungi. It can also appear in different parts of the eye and affect one or both eyes.

The most common eye infections include conjunctivitis or dry eye or keratoconjunctivitis, which is caused by a lack of moisture in the cornea. Dogs can also have other eye problems, such as cataracts or glaucoma.

Factors Affecting Eye Infection in Adult Dogs

Eye infection in adult dogs is influenced by various factors such as age and other things. Both puppies and adult or older dogs can suffer from it.

The eyes are an important but very sensitive organ. Hence, cleaning the eyes is an essential part of grooming. For this reason, you should follow the following recommendations to avoid infections as much as possible:

  • Clean your dog’s eyes regularly. Although there are several products out there that are specifically designed for eye care, you can also use isotonic saline to remove any possible contamination from the eye. In addition, this is a much cheaper option.
  • Remove hair from the eyes. It is advisable to cut or remove any hair that may obstruct your view or cause problems in the future.
  • Be careful with your eyelashes. Sometimes the eyelashes are excessively long, so you may need to trim them if you notice that they are causing discomfort or uncomfortable to your dog.

Clean dog eyes

It is also important that you pay attention to where the infection occurs. Infections can occur in different areas of the eye:

  • Eyelids. Different infections can occur here, for example eyelid margin inflammation or distichiasis.
  • Conjunctiva. Conjunctivitis or keratoconjunctivitis is common on the conjunctiva.
  • Cornea

Methods of treating an eye infection in adult dogs

As already mentioned, the main culprits for eye infections are pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Treatment varies depending on the trigger and type of infection.

Below we will describe two specific diseases and their symptoms and treatment options in more detail.


Conjunctivitis is a disease that is characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye. This transparent mucous membrane covers the eyelids on one side and the dermis of the eye on the other.

One of the most noticeable symptoms is inflammation, which causes redness and tearing. Conjunctivitis in dogs can be caused by a pathogen, foreign object, or irritant. The diagnosis changes depending on the type of secretion.

First of all , treatment depends on the nature of the cause. Basically, however, it includes cleaning the eyes with physiological saline solution and completely eliminating foreign bodies or substances.

Canine Ehrlichiosis

This infectious disease is usually caused by a member of the Rickettsiales bacterial family, particularly Ehrlichia canis . In addition, this disease is very serious and has spread to different continents (Africa, America, Asia and Europe).

In addition, these bacteria affect not only dogs but humans, cats and other large animals as well. Typical symptoms of canine Ehrlichiosis include loss of appetite, difficult breathing, fever, or swollen lymph nodes.

If the disease is not recognized, symptoms can get progressively worse, from impaired senses to loss of coordination and even loss of consciousness. In addition, early diagnosis is a prerequisite for complete healing.

The patient usually needs to take certain antibiotics for about four weeks. If your dog is anemic, blood transfusions may also be required in some cases.

If the meninges are affected, the disease can be fatal despite treatment. Therefore , in this case, prevention is the best treatment.

Investigate eye infection in dogs

Although we have described various infections and treatments to you, it is important to see a veterinarian if you see symptoms or any worrisome behavior in your dog. In these cases the vet is always the best advisor.

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