First Aid For Poisoning Dogs

If our fur nose is poisoned, we have to act quickly and safely. If it has not been 60 minutes, vomiting may be an option. It is best, however, to take the animal to the vet as soon as possible!
First aid for poisoning dogs

In many cities, people still use poison bait and other toxic products to combat plagues. That is why  dogs are poisoned again and again  .

A simple walk requires all of your attention, especially if you let your four-legged friend walk without a leash.

In the following article we will give you some advice to avoid such an accident and also explain steps for first aid in case of poisoning .

Risks of poison bait for our dogs

Poison baits are one of the traditional ways of combating pests, especially rats and mice. Usually these are small bits of food that contain toxic substances.

These products are often so effective because of their anticoagulant effects. The mouse nibbles on the poison bait and its body quickly absorbs the harmful substances. This triggers internal bleeding that leads to death.

If our fur-noses eat the poison bait, they are at risk of possibly succumbing to the same fate. Therefore you have to act quickly to avoid that your organism absorbs the chemical substances.

What to do if a dog is poisoned?

What to do if pets are poisoned

If your dog has eaten poison bait, it is best to take him to the vet immediately for professional treatment.

However, if we live far from a veterinary clinic, we must provide first aid against poisoning. The poison usually works very quickly, so your quick and efficient actions are of the utmost importance.

Induce vomiting to clear the toxin from the body

This is often the first thing we think of when it comes to poisoning. However, this method can only be safely used very shortly after consuming the bait.

Vomiting can be effective for up to 60 minutes after consuming the bait, as the body has not yet absorbed all of the toxins by that time.

If you induce vomiting after this time has elapsed, you endanger the dog’s health even more.

If the toxic substance has already been digested, the vomit becomes acrid and causes severe damage to the animal’s digestive tract.

So if more than 60 minutes have passed since the poisoning, it is best to drive the animal to the nearest veterinary clinic. The poison bait is then digested and vomiting no longer makes sense.

Poisoned dog vomits

Technique to induce vomiting

Next, we wonder how to safely induce vomiting. To do this, we need a syringe and hydrogen peroxide. These two items should always be in the first aid kit.

First we take a sufficient amount of hydrogen peroxide with the syringe. Then we open the dog’s mouth and inject the liquid into it.

It is best to hold the dog’s snout shut for a few seconds so that we know for sure that he is swallowing the hydrogen peroxide. The animal should vomit within a few minutes.

Tips to provide first aid in case of poisoning

Stay calm

It sounds so simple, but nervousness is often the greatest enemy of correct first aid. If our fur nose has eaten something poisonous, we have to act quickly and safely. That could save her life.

Treatment by the veterinarian

The first help is a few steps with which we want to prevent the organism from absorbing the poison. However, they can never replace treatment at the vet.

After we have given first aid, we must immediately take the animal to the vet.

How do you prevent the dog from eating poison bait?

The best way to avoid this is to be attentive while walking. If we are not sure whether poison bait could be placed in a park, garden or in a public place, then it is better not to let the animal off the leash there.

If we always keep our fur nose on a leash, we can better control the situation.

On the other hand, there are also many places where you can train dogs. All toxic substances are banned in these places, which makes them safer. There we can let our four-legged friend off the leash so that he can have fun with his fellow dogs.

But we should also exercise caution at home. Not only should we avoid all use of poison bait, it is also important to keep all toxic substances out of the reach of our pets.

This applies, among other things, to insecticides, cleaning agents, cosmetics and products for personal hygiene.

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