German Shorthaired Pointer: Tips For Education

Although obedient and intelligent, this breed is also prone to nervousness due to its energetic character. Therefore, it is important to teach the German Shorthaired Pointer the appropriate commands to slow him down if he gets too excited.
German Shorthaired Pointer: Tips for Upbringing

Because of their innate desire to be the leader, large dogs need to be taught what place they have in the pack. By that we mean, of course, the human family they live with. That is why today we are giving you a few tips for raising the German Shorthaired Pointer.

How to raise the German Shorthaired Pointer

This dog is good natured, obedient, and intelligent. He always wants to please his people and makes every effort to ensure that the coexistence is harmonious.

Thanks to these characteristics, it is not particularly difficult to raise the German Shorthaired Pointer. But of course you also know that patience, perseverance and loving care are essential to achieve good results.

Basic commands

Apart from the character traits mentioned above, the German Shorthaired Pointer is also quite a nervous dog due to its seemingly never-ending energy. He can get restless and cheeky and even play pranks despite his size.

It is therefore particularly important to teach him a certain basic obedience through commands such as “sit”, “sit down” or “still”.

So you can control him with your voice if he is acting nervously. His high intelligence allows him to learn these commands quickly.

Control the hunting instinct

The German Shorthaired Pointer has the hunting instinct in its genes. If you are not using him for hunting, then you have to learn to control those instincts within him.

If you fail, he will surprise you with small gifts such as animal carcasses that he finds on the street or in the field. This is not necessarily so nice for you!

The German Shorthaired Pointer

One way of doing this is by providing him with toys like Kong. The goal is to get food out of the toy. It may sound simple, but it isn’t really!


The German Shorthaired Pointer needs a lot of exercise to channel its energy. This also serves to protect the health of his bones and joints.

Long walks, swimming, and running are among the best activities for this breed.

Raising the German Shorthaired Pointer

Control barking

If there is anything negative that can be said about the German Shorthaired Pointer, it is its tendency to bark constantly and unnecessarily. To prevent this from becoming a problem for you and your neighbors, you need to learn to control it.

You can do this by teaching him two commands: one to bark and the other to tell him to be quiet. The majority of holders use the words: “Belle” and “Still!”

The leash

One of the most common problems with large dogs occurs when we are taking them for a walk. Sometimes the viewer doesn’t really know whether the dog is leading the person or the person is leading the dog.

Therefore, you should teach your fur nose not to pull on the leash. This may be easier said than done, but with a lot of patience and persistence you can get there.


The German Shorthaired Pointer is a big dog and he is well aware of that. That is why he sometimes likes to act as the leader in front of other dogs and even people.

To avoid this type of dominant behavior, you need to teach him how to behave towards other dogs and people as a puppy.

Talk to your vet about when you can take him to the park so he can learn to play properly with other dogs. Of course, he must have received all of his vaccinations beforehand.

Some people fear keeping a large dog. The German Shorthaired Pointer is undoubtedly a great companion. You just have to know how to properly raise him.

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