Get To Know The Yoga Dog Pancino

Yoga isn’t just healthy and relaxing for people. Now dogs are also getting involved!
Get to know the yoga dog Pancino

Today we would like to tell you about an unusual fur nose: Pancino, the yoga dog.

Dogs just always know how to make us smile. Whether we’re upset or sad, they know what to do to make us feel better.

They sometimes do the most incredible things and perform the strangest gestures that we could never have imagined in an animal. So does Pancino, the  yoga dog. Don’t miss its story!

Pancino, the yoga dog

Pancino can also be carried on your arm from time to time

Nic Bello is the reference person for this special Chihuahua. Nic particularly enjoys doing yoga, not only in the studio, but also at home. What is yoga?

It is a discipline that originally comes from India and deals with physical and mental relaxation. Incredible that there is a yoga dog! The goal is to create physical well-being and the connection of soul and spirit.

One day, while the Italian Nic was doing his daily exercises, he noticed how his faithful friend and companion Pancino, or Pancho, as he also affectionately calls him, began to imitate his movements.

Yoga dog and master

At first he thought it was just a coincidence, but when he noticed that the dog kept imitating its movements on and on, he realized it wasn’t accidentally.

It went so far that he even created his own YouTube channel, which he called “Nic and Pancho”, on which you can watch the two doing their exercises.

Nic took advantage of Pancino’s interest in yoga and taught the dog how to properly perform the movements. The results can be admired in this video, because a picture really says more than a thousand words.

Check out how the yoga dog can perform three of the most popular yoga postures:

Like a real professional! This video and the example of Pancino, the yoga dog, just show how a strong bond between you and your pet can make a lot possible. However, it is important that the dog is always encouraged through love to learn something new.

So how can you strengthen the connection to your four-legged friend?

Strengthen your connection with your furry friend like Nic did with Pancino

There are several ways you can strengthen your bond with your dog.

Some may seem easier to you than others, but there are many things you can do to make your dog recognize you as a friend and companion.

  • Take him for a walk out of joy, not out of compulsion. We know you love your pet, but the daily stress, tasks and problems you have to solve can sometimes make it difficult to take your time. Your dog does need this, however. You shouldn’t just take him out for five minutes to do his business. He needs fresh air, needs to run, meet other people and dogs, and spend time with you.
  • Come up with common activities. Think about where and where your fur nose can accompany you. When your dog feels that you are considerate and give time to him, then he will feel loved and, as a result, will love you more too.
  • Talk to him. That might sound crazy, but it isn’t. He may not understand every word or advise you, but he will notice that you are paying attention to him and that will make him more attentive to you too.
  • Play with him.
  • Caress him. Give your dog unlimited pats. He will surely be happy to put up with it!
  • Keep calm! Dogs are cheeky creatures, but if you get mad at them right away, it will only make them feel rejected.
  • Don’t yell at him. Always try to keep a calm tone even when you are upset. If your anger wasn’t created by him, then he wasn’t to blame anyway, and if he did something wrong, you’d better learn to control your emotions.

    These tips serve to make you feel closer to your four-legged friend and he will reciprocate these feelings. However, we cannot guarantee that he will also become a yoga dog!

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