Goldfish: Care And Diseases

Goldfish are one of the most popular types of fish for aquariums. Although they are resilient animals, they need adequate care to maintain their health.
Goldfish: care and diseases

Do you know how to care for goldfish ? We tell you all about the diseases to which they are most susceptible and about their needs and diet.

Goldfish are one of the most popular types of fish for aquariums. Although they are resilient animals, they need adequate care to maintain their health.

The most common diseases of goldfish

Goldfish are prone to many diseases that aquarium fish commonly get. It is therefore very important to guarantee optimal hygiene in order to prevent diseases from jeopardizing the balance in the aquarium.

Here are the most common diseases goldfish can have:

1. Ichthyophthiriosis, or white spot disease

White spot disease is one of the most common diseases in goldfish. It is a very contagious pathology caused by the parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis that lodges under the skin of fish.

Because these parasites have to leave the fish’s body in order to reproduce, they form tiny holes in their skin. Cysts form in them, from which new parasites emerge. These cysts often become infected quickly.

The most common symptoms of this disease in goldfish are white spots on the skin. As the pathology progresses, respiratory problems due to damage to the gills are also observed.


2. Dropsy

It is a chronic disease that usually progresses quietly. Dropsy is related to poor aquarium hygiene and inadequate maintenance of the filters.

However, it can also be caused by poor diet (malnutrition).

In general , symptoms only become apparent in the most advanced stages of dropsy. In these cases we observe that the fish swells and the scales lift off.

When discovering these symptoms, it is imperative to quarantine infected fish and immediately separate them from healthy animals.

Then we need to carefully check the hygiene of the aquarium and the quality of the water. It is also recommended that you consult a specialist veterinarian to determine the optimal diet for each fish.

3. Leeches

Leeches are small and medium-sized parasites that are usually visible to the naked eye. They cling to the outer scales of the fish’s skin (epidermis) to feed on their blood. Usually these parasites get into the aquarium when we integrate new fish.

Buy fish from trusted breeders or a good pet store to prevent leeches from getting into your tank. In addition, it is recommended that you carefully check the skin and appearance of the new fish before adding it to the aquarium.

When leeches infest goldfish, we can try to remove them carefully. For this we need small tweezers and a clean, thin and damp cloth.

First you take the fish out of the aquarium and place it in the damp cloth. Then you carefully remove the leech with the tweezers.

You should always grab the leech by the tip that is attached to the fish’s skin. With a single, firm pull, you then remove the leech from the skin. Then you disinfect the resulting wound.

Goldfish: basic care

In general, goldfish require the same care as any other aquarium fish to stay healthy.

These include: An aquarium appropriate to its size and activity, proper hygiene including a good filter system, optimal water conditions and a complete and balanced diet.

Goldfish aquarium

The ideal aquarium for a goldfish

Goldfish are cold water fish that adapt better to ponds as they tend to grow large. Because of this, goldfish must have a good sized aquarium to live in captivity.

It is recommended to buy a large aquarium with at least 40 liters per fish. Two goldfish would therefore need an aquarium of around 80 liters.

After you ‘ve selected the ideal aquarium for your goldfish, it’s time to acquire the filter that works best for you. Get advice from a specialist shop.

Water temperature and pH

Gold fish normally live in cold or temperate waters, usually at temperatures between 15 ° C and 20 ° C. However, in the wild, many species can withstand temperatures between 5 ° C and 24 ° C.

Depending on the temperature of your house and the time of year, it is important to consider the heating or cooling of the aquarium water. It is also recommended that you regularly measure the pH of the aquarium. A value of 7 is ideal.

Diet of the goldfish

The goldfish is an omnivorous animal that prefers a varied diet. In nature, it usually consumes crustaceans, insects, plants, larvae and worms.

In specialty stores we can find special mixes for feeding goldfish. These preparations are ideal because they contain the right proportions of all nutrients.

With a little attention, it’s not very complicated to care for goldfish. Their cheerful color delights our eyes every day!

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