Herbal Drinks, An Alternative To Conventional Milk

There are more and more people opting for herbal drinks. Why do some people prefer it compared to traditional cow milk?
Herbal drinks, an alternative to conventional milk

Be it because of allergies, lactose intolerance or for ethical reasons, there are more and more people who  prefer herbal drinks  over conventional cow’s milk.

We would like to introduce you to herbal drinks that you can get in stores and explain the advantages and benefits they have for us.

4 herbal drinks that replace cow’s milk

1. Soy milk

This herbal drink is made from soybean extract and water. Thanks to the essential amino acids contained in this plant, it is easy to digest and also recommended for people with sensitive stomachs.

Nowadays you can get them with or without added sugar and in different flavors, such as chocolate, vanilla or coconut.

It is a very nutritious plant-based milk because it contains lecithin. This will help prevent atherosclerosis. It also contains calcium, B vitamins and phosphorus.

The proteins found in soy also help to bind calcium to the bones. This prevents osteoporosis.

2. Velvety, creamy almond milk

Almond milk

This drink is made from whole almonds, water and often some sweetener. This alternative to cow’s milk contains 50% of the recommended daily requirement of vitamin E.

A glass of almond milk also contains only a third of the calories of a glass of semi-skimmed milk.

Its only disadvantage is its low protein content, which is why it ranks below soy and cow milk.

3. Herbal drink made from rice

Cooked rice, whole grain rice syrup and starch are used to make rice milk. Allergy sufferers love this alternative because it does not contain soy, dried fruit or gluten.

Compared to soy or animal milk, rice milk is high in carbohydrates, but low in calcium and protein. It’s also too watery to be a real substitute for milk, especially when it comes to cooking.

4. Coconut milk is becoming increasingly popular

Coconut milk

When talking about plant-based drinks that are similar to milk, it is imperative to mention coconut milk, especially because of its consistency. Their taste makes them an ideal substitute for dessert.

It’s also free from soy, gluten and high in potassium.

Coconut milk is high in calories, so it is not particularly recommended if you are on a diet. However, it is not as nutritious as cow’s milk.

One glass of coconut milk contains 1 g protein and 100 mg calcium. A glass of cow’s milk, on the other hand, contains 8 g of protein and 300 mg of calcium.

Did you already know about these drinks? Maybe you choose them too!

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