How Do You Behave After A Scorpion Stings?

Many of the subspecies are not poisonous, but it is necessary to take a photo of the animal. This will allow the doctor to prescribe the correct treatment. Other key points are: cleanse the injury and place it below the level of the heart
How do you behave after a scorpion stings?

Don’t think that scorpions are only found in the desert, you find them more often than you think. In southern countries in particular, a scorpion can always sting and you should know how best to behave afterwards.

What to do after a scorpion stings

Scorpions usually hide under stones or in the earth. However, if you are working in the garden or in the great outdoors, a scorpion sting may well occur. Then what do you do?

Call a poison center

In every country there is a number to call in case of poisoning. Of course there is also an emergency service everywhere. It is important that you seek help.

Even if you think you might be coming to the emergency room by yourself, the poison could immobilize you.

If you are alone, let the center know exactly where you are. They can then send you an ambulance if necessary.

Take a picture of the scorpion

We already know that right now you don’t feel like taking a selfie  with the villain at all. However, you should still take a photo of the animal.

In this way, the attending physician can quickly find out which type of scorpion has stung you and which antidote you need. 

Angry Scorpio

Not all scorpions are created equal, they have different types of venom that cause different symptoms. So a photo is essential to be able to act quickly. Also, keep in mind that some subspecies are deadly.

Pay attention to the symptoms

Even if you got to a clinical center on time and the doctor took care of you, you should still be careful of the symptoms, even at home.

They could get worse or even new symptoms could appear. It is also possible that scorpion stings are not very common in the area you are in and therefore not that much is known about them.

Wash the stitch

When you get home, wash the sting with plenty of water and neutral soap to keep it from getting infected. Just don’t try to suck the poison out. The medication your doctor has prescribed will do this job.

Wash the wound

Follow the doctor’s instructions exactly and do nothing else. Because a lot of people will want to give you a lot of well-intentioned advice.

Hold the affected part of the body below the heart

This will prevent the poison from rising through the veins and spreading throughout your body. Just try to hold still and especially relax the affected part of the body. However, always keep it below the heart.

Also, apply ice in a towel. This not only relieves the inflammation, but also allows the poison to coagulate a little. This makes it much more difficult for him to distribute himself in the body. The point is that the poison doesn’t affect other parts of your body.

Do not be afraid

Especially when you are alone, fear and nervousness will not help you think and act quickly. That is why it is important to stay as calm as possible.

Also, keep in mind that not all scorpions are deadly. Very few can cause such damage.

It may only take some medication and a little medical attention to turn a scorpion’s sting into nothing but a nasty memory.

While it doesn’t happen often, it is important to know what to do after being stung by a Scorpio . If you are really unlucky, then just follow this advice.

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