How Do You Know That Your Dog Is Getting Older?

Various signs can make us aware of a dog’s aging process.
How do you know that your dog is getting older?

Even with dogs, time does not go by without a trace. Unfortunately, our four-legged friends age far too quickly. But how do you know that a dog is  getting older  ?

Your dog is getting older very quickly

Various signs can make us aware of a dog’s aging process. As a dog gets older, various precautionary measures are advisable to  give him a good old age.

It is a completely natural process, but various signs of wear and tear and diseases occur.

Two phases that show that the dog is getting older

Dog older

In the first phase, the animal begins to age at the cellular level.  The fur changes color in various areas, such as the legs and muzzle. At the same time, mobility is reduced and the dog calmer.

In the second phase, the aging process accelerates.  The coat becomes dull and the dog’s behavior also changes. The risk of kidney and heart disease is particularly great at this age.

Signs that the dog is getting older

In small dogs (under 5 to 10 kg), aging begins at 7 or 8 years of age. The last phase of life begins for her at the age of 12.

Dogs up to 25 kg don’t get quite that old. They come of age at the age of 6 to 7 and can be described as old people from the age of 10.

Large dogs, between 30 and 45 kilos, are already considered mature at the age of 5. The last phase of your life begins at the age of 8.

Very large dogs age very quickly from the age of 5 and usually don’t get older than 10 years.

Race also plays a role

The breed of the dog is another fundamental factor that affects average age. For example, a boxer usually doesn’t live as long as a German Shepherd.

The miniature poodle’s long lifespan is well known. However, the record is held by Bluey, an Australian Shepherd who turned 29!

Signs of aging in the dog

  •  Just like us, dogs get gray hair. The color of the fur changes especially on the face. 
  • You are getting calmer. The animal is no longer as active and moves less.
  • An old dog completely avoids some exercise  because the joints and muscles can be sore. The four-legged friend will make fewer long jumps.
  • As the dog gets older, he has more need for rest  and less energy.
  • Cognitive dysfunction can also occur. The memory gets worse, the dog may forget where his bowl is or where he should do his little business.
  • He can no longer hold his urine and there will be more “accidents” in the house.

Tips to make your dog’s aging easier

Dog is getting older

It is necessary to have a lot of patience with the animal.  Daily walks are important, but they need to be shorter. The dog is no longer as resilient as it was at a young age.

If your four-legged friend’s teeth fall out, he needs special food.

With daily brushing you can stimulate the blood circulation  and at the same time observe whether skin changes or bald spots are forming.

Palpation of the lymph nodes can help determine if there is any swelling  that could indicate cancer.

If your dog has long hair, you will need to make sure that the eyes are clear to keep his vision clear.

Regular check-ups at the vet are very important for  older dogs! 

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