How To Bathe Your Dog Without Drama

While there are many dogs who like water, most will run away as soon as they see shampoo and a towel.

To bathe your dog without drama, you need to make sure he is comfortable, especially when he is getting nervous. It is necessary to calm him down and have patience in order to counteract the dog’s fear.

Although there are many dogs who like water , dogs usually run away as soon as they see the shampoo and towel. Therefore, if you are wondering how to bathe your dog without drama , we will give you some simple tips.

How do you bathe your dog without him getting nervous?

If your dog is afraid of water, you need to take precautions to avoid trauma. Here are some tips:

Trick him

Maybe that sounds strange. What we’re saying is that you shouldn’t show him directly that you are going to bathe him. If he keeps running away because he smells like bath time, change your tactics.

Don’t go to the bathroom and prepare unless you do when he’s not there or when he can’t see you. Pretend it’s a normal day, sit on the couch and wait for him to come over for you to stroke him.

After petting, it’s time to give your dog a bath. Of course you have to close the door so that he doesn’t escape.

Calm him down

Now it’s time to put him in the shower or bath. That’s when dogs usually get nervous. Talk to him gently as you stroke him.

Open the faucet a little and pour water over your hand while calming him down and reassuring him that everything is fine.

Run your wet hand over his head to see how he reacts. If you see that he is still very excited, give him time. So you can bathe your dog without drama.

Don’t make sudden movements or force him to bathe. You can certainly get him to bathe with a dose of love and patience.


When you turn on the hairdryer, your dog will probably want to hide and get nervous. Don’t aim the hairdryer directly at him, leave it on and give your dog time to sniff it and get used to it.

Turn it on and pretend to blow dry your hair or aim it at the towel you used to dry it off.

Set the hair dryer on low  , then walk towards it one step at a time. Better with warm air, as the heat given off by the device calms you down and creates confidence.

How to bathe a dog without drama

There are many people who do not know where to start if they want to bathe the dog without drama. We know you might not, but we want to remind you of what to look out for.

  • Water temperature. Make sure the water isn’t too cold or too hot. It has to be at a comfortable temperature so that the animal feels comfortable.
  • Start wetting on the spine. Do not put water on the face or the animal will want to run away. Start with the legs or back, which are less sensitive areas. Gradually you can then bathe your neck and head.
  • Then do the same with the soap. Start with the legs and back until you gradually get to the head.
  • Make sure to clean the area behind the ears well and be careful with his eyes. Thoroughly cleanse the intimate area.
  • Do n’t pour water in your ears. Be careful not to get water in your ears, as this could cause infections and create a perfect environment for parasites or bacteria.

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