How To Win The Trust Of A Street Cat

It is difficult to overcome a street animal’s distrust. This is especially true if the animal was previously exposed to abuse. However, it can be achieved with a lot of patience, persistence and the observance of certain rules. If you feed the animal, you can keep his favor.
How to win a street cat's trust

All stray animals are suspicious, especially if they have been mistreated before. If you want to win the trust of a street cat, you need a lot of patience and have to follow these steps.

Over time, you will gain the street cat’s trust and maybe even invite them to your home !

Tips to Earn a Street Cat’s Trust

Maybe you saw her on the street or suddenly she was sitting in your back yard. However, a street cat is usually very stubborn and suspicious.

Most of the time it is more difficult to win the trust of a street cat than that of a stray dog.

But don’t be discouraged because you can offer her a home if you can make friends with her.

1. Respect their personal space

If she’s not in a dangerous place, you should leave her alone there for now. She chose this place because she feels safe and protected there. Strays flee from people because they often haven’t had the best experiences with them.

So first you have to prove to the cat that you are different.

So the first step in gaining a street cat’s trust is to respect its haven. Do not approach until you notice that the animal is getting nervous, begins to meow, or its fur is straightening.

Over time, you can get closer to yourself without them seeing you as a threat.

2. Give her food

This is one of the best ways to gain a street cat’s trust. There are a few things you need to consider, however.

It’s best to choose food that has a strong smell. Cats love the aroma of tuna or wet food and are more easily attracted by them.

Stray bends over his dry food

Place the bowl near their sanctuary, then move away. Don’t wait for the cat to come out. Even if she is very hungry, she will prefer to wait until you are gone before she eats.

If the animal then eats, you have to stay away and leave it alone. Don’t even think of approaching or touching her!

It pays to provide the food at the same time every day and to start certain routines. If you have dry food, you can shake the package, for example, to attract the cat with the sound.

You may have to go through this process for a few weeks before the animal allows you to approach something.

3. Get closer and closer

If the cat comes out to feed, you have a way of gaining its trust.

Walk around them, but always leave at least three meters between you and the velvet paw. Do not move jerkily, otherwise you will frighten the stray and you will have to start all over again.

Kittens in front of the milk plate

4. Speak their language

To win the trust of a street cat, it must see us as its likeness. Therefore, you have to give her the chance to approach herself. Wait until she strokes your legs or rubs her head against you. Cats mark “their” objects with pheromones.

Cats are very special beings. Their idiosyncrasies are all the greater when they grew up on the street or broke out of a home where they were abused.

Don’t give up, enjoy every progress you make. Slowly the cat will allow you to make contact.

If you can do it, take her to the vet first on the way home. He then uses routine examinations to check the state of health of the velvet paw.

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