Infections That Can Be Transmitted By Dog ​​kisses

A close relationship with a dog is beautiful and very beneficial for your health, but there are also dangers. Contact with the dog can transmit bacteria and viruses that lead to diseases.

Dog kisses  are an expression of the animal’s love for its owner – at least that’s what we think, because after all, the loyal four-legged friend is part of the family. Various studies confirm that  dog kisses can  also have good things about them, but you should be very careful with them, as this could lead to the transmission of diseases.

Dog kisses: mutual transmission of infections

A close relationship with a dog is beautiful and very beneficial for your health, but there are also dangers. Contact with the dog can transmit bacteria and viruses that  lead to diseases.

From a study by Japanese scientists at the University of Osaka, led by Dr. Yoji Yamkazi, it emerges  that many dogs regard dogs as family members and also perceive dog kisses on the face or on the mouth to be quite normal. But this increases the risk of becoming infected with a disease typical of dogs.

This study looked at the health of 66 dogs and their owners. Veterinarians and animal shelter volunteers also took part in the study. The result was surprising:  most of the participants who allowed dog kisses had bacteria in their mouths that lead to periodontal disease. 
This damages the teeth and can lead to tooth loss. The dogs had typical human bacteria in their mouths.
The bacteria that colonize dogs and humans are different, but can be transmitted, for example, by kisses with dogs or by licking the face.

What are the consequences of dog kisses?

If your dog sleeps in your bed with you, or if you kiss them on their face or mouth, keep in mind that the dog may have ticks that could transmit Lyme disease, a disease that can cause severe symptoms.

Dogs lick themselves where they feel itchy or painful. If you have a tick, they will try to remove it with their teeth. If  these parasites stick for a long time and suck the dog’s blood, they can also transmit various diseases,  which the dog can then pass on to humans through its saliva.

The dog could also transmit rabies if it is not vaccinated accordingly. Because this disease is also transmitted through saliva. This leads to a high fever and aggressive behavior in dogs. If the brain is attacked, death threatens.

Serious illness from dog kisses: parvovirus

Parvovirus (CPV) is highly contagious and is transmitted through saliva or stool. This virus is so resistant that it can survive for a long time even in extreme climatic conditions (heat, cold, drought, humidity, etc.).

Puppies up to 4 months old in particular suffer from this viral infection if they are not vaccinated against it.

People can also be infected with it from dog kisses. The most susceptible to the parvovirus are Rottweilers and Dobermans. If your dog is not vaccinated, the risk of infection for the animal and for you is very high.

For this reason, we recommend  vaccinating four-legged friends as a preventive measure to prevent complications. 

We also advise you not to kiss your dog, even if he is very clean and well-groomed. However, you never know where he has sniffed on the street and which viruses and bacteria he has picked up and could also transmit to you or your family.

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