Influenza In Dogs: Symptoms And Treatment

This infectious disease is often found in animal shelters because it spreads through the air. The healing process in dogs and humans is very similar. The animal must drink plenty of fluids, be covered warm and possibly take antibiotics if the vet prescribes them.
Canine Flu: Symptoms and Treatment

Flu is very common in both humans and dogs. Canine flu is very contagious, so today we’re telling you how to treat it effectively.

The flu in dogs is a viral disease

The flu virus is passed on from one individual to another through the air. This happens especially when the seasons change. It is not a fatal disease, but it can be complicated and worse, just like human flu.

Typical symptoms are sneezing, coughing, and discharge from the nose and mouth. Even if it spreads through the air, the virus can stick to the surfaces of objects or even people who have had contact with an infected animal.

Grippe bei Hunden

However, this does not mean that dogs are infected by humans or humans are infected  by dogs. While each flu virus has similar genetics, there are subtle differences that affect each species individually.

Dog flu is particularly common in animal shelters and shelters  that have no hygiene controls. The weather also affects the spread of the virus.

Dog parks and other public areas also represent an increased risk of infection.  Since many animals collide there, they spread more quickly in such places. It is best to avoid these areas during flu time.

Symptoms of the flu in dogs

There are breeds that are more prone to flu than others because of their skull shape. Breeds with short snouts are more likely to suffer during the flu season. However, the symptoms of the flu are the same in all dogs:

  • Constant sneezing
  • Possible fatigue
  • Excretion of mucus
  • Lack of fluids due to the excretions
  • fever
  • to cough

When he dog is not feeling well

Possible treatments

Treating the flu in dogs is fairly straightforward. All you need to do is look after the animal a little and watch it constantly. Also, keep in mind that it needs to be treated properly to avoid worse consequences, such as pneumonia or distemper.

The most important thing is to get your furry friend to the vet on time so that he can rule out these diseases that cause similar symptoms.  If the vet determines that it really is just the flu, then it is time to start treatment.

Remember that human physiology is very different from that of animals. So just don’t think about giving them human medicine from the pharmacy.

The vet will prescribe the correct antibiotic for your fur nose and also prescribe the appropriate dose. Please follow his instructions. A wrong dose can be fatal for your pet.

You should offer your dog enough to drink so that he can balance his fluid balance and stay strong. As a result of the disease, he loses a lot of fluid, which can lead to skin irritation, among other things.

Cure the flu in dogs

Cover your animal well.  He will feel cold because of the fever, so a blanket is a good idea. Your four-pawed friend will thank you.

How to prevent the flu in dogs

Just like human flu, it is curable in dogs.  There is still a lot we can do to prevent it.

With a balanced diet, for example, our fur nose improves its own immune system. In this way the body can defend itself against the virus and the animal may not get sick in the first place. Lots of exercise also strengthens the immune system.

Regularly clean the surfaces your dog walks on. This removes bacteria and keeps its living space clean. Also, keep it away from drafts.

Take him for walks in places other than ordinary parks during the flu season. You can also go to the country or the beach, if that is possible. Your dog can really let off steam there and you will have fun too.

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