Is It Good To Give Antibiotics To Your Pet?

Antibiotics are widely used drugs to treat diseases caused by bacteria. There are many types that can be used to fight various infections.
Is It Good To Give Your Pet Antibiotics?

Giving your pet antibiotics can cause vomiting and diarrhea, as well as poisoning. It is therefore more than advisable to consult the veterinarian beforehand

Antibiotics are widely used drugs to treat diseases caused by bacteria. There are many types that can be used to fight various infections.

Then learn when to give these medicines and what precautions are important. 

How do antibiotics affect the organism?

These drugs are made from metabolic products of microorganisms in order to act against pathogens. They are used  to treat bacterial infections. In the case of viruses, however, these drugs are useless.

Selective antibiotics and broad spectrum antibiotics

The large number of existing drugs can be divided into two large groups, depending on their effect in the body: selective antibiotics and broad spectrum antibiotics.

  • Selective antibiotics: drugs that only work against certain bacteria. Hence, their action is selective and usually effective in treating diseases caused by certain types of bacteria.
  • Broad spectrum antibiotics: These drugs fight a wide variety of bacteria.  That is why they are used to treat various bacterial diseases.

You will find the main active ingredient on the packaging of the medicine. In addition, the effect is often reinforced with other antibiotic substances.

A classic example is the combination of clavulanic acid with amoxicillin. Although it is not an antibiotic, this chemical compound improves the effects of amoxicillin, thereby optimizing treatment.

When is the pet given antibiotics?

As already mentioned, these drugs help with bacterial infection processes. However, the veterinary diagnosis is essential to guarantee the correct treatment. 

In addition, every animal is different and needs individual, veterinary treatment.

Only a trained professional can determine the cause of your pet’s symptoms and, once diagnosed, determine appropriate treatment.

Veterinarians often administer antibiotics even after surgery  . This can prevent infections that could lead to complications after an operation.

Treatment with antibiotics may also be necessary in the event of an infestation by ticks, fleas or mites. By eliminating these ectoparasites, you can prevent skin infections.

Why not self-treatment?

Unfortunately, some owners give their pets antibiotics that have not been prescribed by a veterinarian. However, self-medication is very dangerous and not recommended for humans and pets.

There are several antibiotics that can be used to treat humans and animals. But many human drugs are not suitable for animals. 

In addition, the veterinarian must determine the dosage and frequency so as not to harm the animal. For example, the weight and health of the animal are taken into account. 

This is the only way to prevent undesirable side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea and symptoms of poisoning. Always have a veterinarian help your pet! 

Tips for safe treatment

  • Only give antibiotics to your pet under veterinary supervision.
  • Create a comfortable, safe, and positive environment to aid your pet’s recovery.
  • Ask the vet about probiotics to keep the animal’s gut flora healthy during or after treatment. 
  • Prevention is the best medicine! You should therefore have your animal checked, vaccinated and dewormed regularly!

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