Komondor: The Hungarian Shepherd Dog With Dreadlocks

This dog stands out for its “Rastafarian” fur. Some might think it’s a mop, but this shelter and sheepdog uses its fur to protect itself from wolf bites while she tends sheep.
Komondor: the Hungarian shepherd dog with dreadlocks

Do you love dogs with dreadlocks? Those who are considered uncombable are often referred to as the “Rastafarian” dog. Today we tell you about a very special one: the Komondor. Would you like to learn more about him together with us?

Everything about the Komondor

Origins and history

The Komondor , characterized as I said, with its unique fur from.  Many mistake it for the Spanish water dog, but it is a different breed. The Komondor is a protection and shepherd dog. His fur is of great use here, as he “disguises” himself as a sheep and is therefore not recognized by attackers. So when a predator approaches the herd, the dog has the surprise effect on its side.

There are several theories about its origins. On the one hand, there are those who think  that this dog came to Hungary in 869. At that time the tribes of Prince Arpad settled in the Hungarian steppe.

On the other hand, there are other people who assure that the Mongols brought this dog to Hungary when they invaded Hungary in the 3rd century. Which theory do you think corresponds to the truth? To this day we don’t know. However, we can say with absolute certainty that this dog carries out its work as a protection and shepherd dog very conscientiously and energetically.

The physical characteristics of the Komondor

It is a large breed of dog with a sturdy and gorgeous physique. He has short, straight, very thick legs. The hind paws are longer than the front paws. This suits the dog when he has to protect his home or herd from an intruder. That way, he can easily stand on his hind paws to attack.

Komondor, der Hund mit dem Rasta-Fell

Females are at least 65 cm tall, males can be up to 90 cm. Incredible, is not it? Their weight varies between 40 to 80 kg. That’s even more than a Great Dane!

Their dreadlock fur is always white, long and very dense. Some people call him the “mop dog”. Even if some of the specimens are beige or sandy brown, this is only one color that the fur has taken on over time. Their actual and only permitted coat color is namely white.
Komondor Welpen

Personality and temperament of the Komondor

Like almost all German Shepherds, this one is calm, gentle and very patient. However, if he perceives a situation as dangerous, then he turns into a great protector. He doesn’t mind even giving his own life for his family or flock.

Thanks to his limbs, he is able to pounce on any attacker who wants to take him on. That even includes wolves and bears. However, he is kind and patient with children, and he treats his family very lovingly.

However, he is also known for his distrust of strangers. However, if the stranger shows goodwill, the dog will quickly accept him.

Care and health

The breed does not have any of the common diseases other than those that are a threat to all large dogs, such as hip dysplasia or stomach torsion.

However, their fur needs a certain amount of grooming.  It needs to be checked frequently for fleas, ticks, and other parasites. His eyes and ears need daily hygiene and should be taken to the dog hairdresser at least once a month. There the Rastas receive professional care treatment.

How do you like the Komondor? Would you adopt such an animal?

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