Medicine Against The Fear Of Fireworks

What to do if the dog is afraid of fireworks
Medicine against the fear of fireworks

Every year at the end of the year or at summer festivals, we humans enjoy spectacular fireworks in the sky. However, this spectacle does not bring joy to all family members: Our pets, especially dogs, suffer a lot and many panic. 

In some dogs, the fear is so great that they get heart racing, become extremely nervous and cannot stand still. In these situations, they often begin to drool excessively, barking, whining, and yowling to express the stress they are exposed to. In some cases they even start digging in the ground or try to run away without knowing what.

The noise from fireworks causes stress and anxiety in dogs. Because fireworks don’t just bang, they bang repeatedly and over a long period of time. However, it should be noted that there are exceptions and dogs for whom it sounds like music and who actually enjoy this spectacle.

An invention that is supposed to calm dogs

Fear of fireworks has a negative impact on the dog’s quality of life  and affects both physical and mental health. That’s why a research group at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States developed a drug to counteract the stress caused by fireworks in dogs.

Dog is afraid of fireworks

It is an orally to be taken gel based on dexmedetomidine, which has a calming and pain-relieving effect. It can be administered by the owner himself, but the intake should be discussed with a veterinarian beforehand.

  • The original study was published in the journal Veterinary Record.

Tests have confirmed the effectiveness of the drug, it actually helps against the fear of fireworks. The study was conducted in December 2012 with 182 dogs known to be afraid of the noise of fireworks.

The test result showed a positive effect in 72% of the dogs given the drug. The typical reactions of frightened dogs could be minimized: tremors, panting, nervousness, whining, uncontrolled urination, etc.

Side effects

One of the biggest concerns pet owners have about the new drug has been the potential side effects. 

Fortunately, no significant numbing side effects from the dexmedetomidine gel were found in any dog. This was a crucial point because no dog lover wants their four-legged friend to be disoriented or unable to control their movements.

What to do if the dog is afraid of fireworks

So far, the Dexmedetomidina gel is only available in the UK. However, before it can be used by pet owners around the world, some important pieces of advice should be followed first. They should help both dog owners and their four-legged friends to overcome the fear of fireworks:

Relaxed walks

Walks help relieve stress and so calm the dog. You should always put a collar on your dog with a name tag and contact details, because if he is suddenly startled by the crack of a fireworks and runs away, he can be found later more easily.

keep Calm

In some cases the dog owners worry too much that they unconsciously unsettle the animal. You are overprotective about this and preparing for the fireworks as if it were an absolute disaster.

Dog afraid of fireworks

Stay near the dog

The dog should not be left alone or locked away during the fireworks. At best, it should be brought to the room of the house where the noise of the fireworks is least audible.

Reduce noise

Even if you can’t control the noise in front of the house, you can still close all doors and windows to reduce the noise level a little.


Relaxing music can reduce stress levels in some dogs. It is definitely worth a try, but not just when the fireworks start, but before. There are many links on the internet with special music for dogs.


Another antidote are chew toys. Just as kneading and squeezing objects calms us down, chewing dogs also reduces stress.


Sometimes dogs have such an uncontrollable fear of fireworks that they injure themselves. A veterinarian can prescribe medication and special treatments to help and stabilize the dog.

Sources for cover picture: Takashi Hososhima

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