Natural Nutrition For Dogs

Even a dog that is used to industrially manufactured food can change its eating habits. 
Natural nutrition for dogs

Natural nutrition  means nothing else than homemade food for your dog. Fresh ingredients are used for this, these are combined taking into account the required nutrients.

Even a dog that is used to industrially manufactured food  can change its eating habits. 

The first step towards a  natural diet  for dogs is to talk to an expert. Your vet can advise you on the right nutrition plan for your dog, based on the age, size, breed, and individual needs of the animal.

If you are switching to a natural diet, you will need to weigh  your dog once a month to check their body weight. You can follow his development and see how he reacts to the change.

If the animal is losing weight, it may be consuming fewer calories  than is necessary for its size. However, as the dog gains weight, you should start feeding him less.

Natural nutrition for dogs has many benefits

1. Weight control

Because the diet is closely monitored, it can also be used to regulate the dog’s weight.

natürliche Ernährung von Hunden mit Äpfeln
Source: Miss Chien

It is very important to feed the right amounts. Too much can lead to obesity and health problems like diabetes or kidney problems.

Not eating enough naturally also has negative consequences for the dog’s health.

2. Better physical and emotional health

The benefits of a natural diet are immediately noticeable. The animal is already more active and vital on the second or third day. The fur also shines more beautifully and is softer. 

This diet can also improve the dog’s digestion. This also has positive effects on breath odor. In addition, less stool is produced and it does not smell as strong, because all nutrients are used. The four-legged friend’s body odor also improves.

3. Diet without additives and preservatives

Since the animal only receives freshly prepared, home-made nutrition, no additives or preservatives are necessary.

However, you have to pay attention to a well-balanced diet  so that the dog is supplied with all the necessary nutrients.

4. There are no additional expenses

A natural diet is no more expensive than industrially manufactured food, but it has various advantages for the dog.

BARF diet

BARF is derived from  “Biological Appropriated Raw Food” or  “Bones and Raw Food” and is usually referred to in German as “biologically appropriate raw feed” or “biologically appropriate raw food”.

The diet is individually compiled here according to the dog’s body weight. Eating makes up 2% of its body weight, when the dog is very active, 3%.

The required proteins are supplied to the dog through meat (cow meat, poultry or fish). In addition, offal, such as liver, kidneys, heart and others are also fed.

There are also  minerals and vitamins from vegetables, as well as healthy fatty acids that are contained in certain oils. 

Various recommendations should be considered in the BARF diet:

  1. Meat that is fed raw  should be kept in a freezer for at least 3 days to prevent parasites. 
  2. Bones are not cooked. The dog will always receive raw bones,  but you will need to seek advice from an expert to choose the correct bones.
  3. When constipated, more vegetables are fed. If the situation worsens, a veterinarian must be seen.
  4. Natural eating should not be mixed with industrially produced food. You can take turns feeding them, but you shouldn’t feed them at the same time.

natural nutrition for dog

Each species and breed is different  and therefore requires different nutrients and amounts. It is therefore very important to seek advice from a specialist before switching to a natural diet.

There are also many stores and brands that  offer natural nutrition for dogs. This helps the dog owners, who can save time in the preparation.

The freshly prepared food can be bought chilled and packaged, so  it can be kept longer in the refrigerator if necessary.

However, these products should contain the recommended nutrients. Take care and take care of your dog!

Source cover picture: Armin Rodler

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