Natural Remedies For Pets

Free of chemical products, these home remedies can relieve problems such as diarrhea, constipation, gas, or vomiting
Natural remedies for pets

In today’s article, we’d like to tell you more about natural pet remedies.

Our pets sometimes suffer from various problems. This could be because their immune system is weakened or because they come into direct contact with the street, the garbage and other animals.

Of course, if you have bigger problems you have to go to the vet, but there are many natural remedies for pets that can help them heal smaller ailments . 

Home and natural remedies for pets

Against diarrhea

Diarrhea is a very common symptom that affects both humans and animals. It may seem unimportant at first, but if diarrhea is not treated, it can lead to dehydration and even death of an animal.

Usually, diarrhea is caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or decayed food.

First of all, the animal should not be fed anything so as not to worsen the situation.

If the animal only suffers from minor complaints such as flatulence or intestinal noises during this fasting period , then the animal’s organism defends itself.

However, if there is a fever, mood swings, tremors or bleeding, we must see a veterinarian immediately because it could be something worse.

If the diarrhea is normal, we give the animal cooked feed consisting of chicken and vegetables. Rice is forbidden in such cases as it absorbs a lot of water from the body and this can lead to dehydration.

We have to provide our four-legged friend with plenty of fresh, clean water and make sure that he drinks enough of it. A few drops of lemon, a little chamomile or a few leaves of mint will speed up the healing process.


Now we’re going to the other extreme, constipation. If you give your dog probiotic products, it should help because they have a laxative effect.

If the animal still does not do its business within 48 hours, a visit to the vet is necessary. 

Aloe Vera for Pets

Aloe Vera is also an ideal ally in the fight against constipation. To give it to the animal, just add a few drops of the gel inside the plant to its drinking water.

It may be that the animal does not like to drink while feeling bad. However, we can help a little with a syringe.


Dogs and cats also suffer from gas from time to time. This usually happens because they don’t tolerate a food very well, or because we give them too much or poor quality food.

Perhaps the body cannot absorb and digest the nutrients properly.


Dogs and cats often vomit for no apparent reason. However, this vomiting is normal and part of the way they digest their food.

However, there is also more frequent vomiting that indicates poisoning, parasites, or other illnesses.

Dog is not feeling well

First we have to offer our pet mild food and we can also add a little herbs such as lemon balm, aniseed, mint or ginger to the water or food.

But also keep in mind that if there is no rapid improvement, it is essential that your pet visit the vet so that things don’t get worse.

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