Nocturnal Birds Of Prey: The Rulers Of The Night

Birds of prey are majestic creatures that glide through the air in search of prey. Find out more about fascinating nocturnal birds of prey today!
Nocturnal birds of prey: the rulers of the night

There are many myths and superstitions about nocturnal birds of prey. Some of them are good, some not very positive. These fascinating creatures live on every continent except Antarctica. Thirteen of the known species live in Europe and eight of these species are also found on the Iberian Peninsula.

Nocturnal birds of prey on the Iberian Peninsula: Large birds of prey

The eagle owl

The eagle owl, or as it is scientifically called Bubo bubo,  is the largest of the nocturnal birds of prey in Europe. It has a wingspan of up to 180 centimeters and weighs around 2,500 grams.

It is characterized by its striking and majestic appearance. It has large, orange eyes, spotted plumage that covers its paws, a prominent beak, and black claws.

Owl on tree trunk

Barn owl

In science it is called  Tyto alba  and the barn owl is a medium-sized nocturnal bird. It has a wingspan of 94 centimeters and weighs 360 grams.

Their plumage is golden, with gray and white spots on their backs and a white belly. Your face is very distinctive because it has a white disk in the shape of a heart.

nocturnal birds of prey

Nocturnal birds of prey on the Iberian Peninsula: smaller species

Long-eared Owl

The long-eared owl (Asio otus) looks like a small eagle owl. It has a wingspan of 100 centimeters and weighs 350 grams.

Their body is reddish brown with darker spots. Even her face is red with orange eyes, which are surrounded by white feathers.

Asio Otus
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Little Owl

The little owl (scientifically called Athene noctua ) is a squat bird about the size of a crow. Its wingspan is up to 100 centimeters and it weighs around 700 grams.

It is brown, reddish or gray and has white and black spots on its fur. Its wings are round and short. His face is gray and his black eyes stand out.

Little owls are also nocturnal birds of prey

brown owl

The tawny owl, or Strix aluco, has a wingspan of about 60 centimeters and weighs a maximum of 200 grams. It is a small, plump owl with a personable exterior. 

It has white plumage with brown or dark brown stripes that are speckled with white. The eyes are large with a yellow iris surrounded by white “brows”, which is why she always looks like she is frowning.

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Scops Owl

Also called otus scops in science , these nocturnal birds of prey are the smallest species on the Iberian Peninsula.

Their wingspan is a maximum of 54 centimeters and they weigh a maximum of 145 grams, their plumage is golden on the back and on the belly it is usually a light gray color. Two yellow-orange eyes shine in her face. It is also rounded off by a pair of “ears”.

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Short-eared Owl

The short-eared owl is called Asio flammeus in science  It has a wingspan of about 100 centimeters and weighs about 300 grams.

Their plumage resembles that of the long-eared owl, with yellow spots on the ends of the wings and an ocher-colored face. Their eyes are yellowish and piercing, and they are rimmed with black feathers.

Short-eared Owl

The rough owl, one of the least known nocturnal birds of prey

The scientific name of the rough owl is  Aegolius funereus . It has a wingspan of about 58 centimeters and weighs less than 200 grams and comes in different colors, from reddish to gray. Above it is brown with light, white spots. Its eyes are yellow, as is its beak.

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