Palm Oil Also Threatens Africa

There are studies that estimate that the planting of these trees will have to quadruple by 2050 in order to meet the world’s needs. This poses a serious problem for the survival of many species of primates.
Palm oil also threatens Africa

Palm oil is found in countless products, but it is a threat to our health and the environment.

It is known to have caused the deforestation of Indonesian forests, but it has now spread as far as Africa.

The dangers of palm oil

We are talking about the most commonly used type of vegetable oil, because palm oil is not only used in food, but also in cosmetics and cleaning products.

The oil comes from the African palm, although 85% of the plantations are in Southeast Asia.

But palm oil is not only a threat to Asian wildlife. In recent years, monoculture has also spread to the plant’s original continent to meet international demand.

Hundreds of square kilometers of virgin forest are being burned to make way for the plantations. Only one type of plant is then bred, which is why the plantations hardly offer any habitat for other species and are of no ecological value.

Monoculture threatens hundreds of animal species

Africa, the next destination for palm oil

Society seems to be becoming more and more aware of the dangers and effects of palm oil, but recent studies estimate that planting will have to quadruple by 2050 to meet current demand.

This spread then takes place mainly on the African continent. However, a study by the University of Clark warns that we will no longer be able to ensure the survival of African primates if the prognosis is carried out.

According to this study,  nearly 200 primate species are affected by the expansion of palm oil plantations. However, the researchers also found that only 9% of the African continent is usable for planting.

Hazards and environmental degradation due to palm oil

Is it just the palm oil?

Many companies are already replacing palm oil with other products so their business doesn’t suffer because people avoid the oil because of the images of dying orangutans.

But the alternative products are also often environmentally harmful and unhealthy, such as other oils that trigger deforestation.

Processed foods contain the most of these harmful products and can be found hidden among dozens of other ingredients.

But meat and even plant products, such as the avocado or strawberry, can pose a real threat to the environment due to monoculture.

So the problem isn’t just with palm oil. If we want to eat more environmentally friendly, it is best to use fresh, locally grown products.  With this we do the least harm to our planet.

Palm oil is considered to be one of the least sustainable products as you have to burn forests to plant it first.

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