Panther Cat: Characteristics And Care

The panther-cat is very affectionate and calm, does not like fights and has great self-confidence.
Panther cat: characteristics and care

There are innumerable breeds of cats, but today we would like to introduce you to a very special one: the  panther cat. Many admire this short-haired domestic cat, which looks very much like a real panther. 

Everything about the panther cat


Their official name is Bombay cat, even if this breed is not from Bombay. The first specimens arose from the cross between a chocolate brown Burmese cat and an American Shorthair.

This crossing took place in Kentucky (USA). Because a breeder wanted to create a very special black cat. In the 1950s, a specimen was born with an all-black, shiny coat and incredibly beautiful eyes.

So where does her name come from? It owes it to the great resemblance to the black leopard that is native to India.

This breed was something quite extraordinary at the time.  The breeder actually wanted a black Burmese cat, but the result was a beautiful short-haired cat with deep black fur and expressive eyes – like a panther!


It is usually a medium-sized cat, with short hair and large almond-shaped yellow or green eyes. It is also muscular and flexible, with harmonious and elegant lines.

Usually she has a round head and a wide face with a protruding forehead.

Their ears are rounded and tilted slightly forward. The tail tapers towards the tip and, unlike many cats, their pads are just as intensely black as their fur.

The only color allowed for it to be recognized as a thoroughbred is the glossy deep black, without any stain or other hue.


The rumor of independence from cats will be invalidated when we meet this sociable cat who doesn’t like loneliness. She is very loving and calm, does not like fights and has great self-confidence.

Characteristics of the panther cat.

But like most cats, this little panther is also very curious. And besides, this breed shines with great intelligence, calm and affection. It is therefore very easy to teach her a few commands.

You can comfortably keep her in a small apartment because she is very adaptable. Even with changes, which is an advantage. Because it’s comforting to know that it won’t stress or affect her.

She will always look for your affection and approval. So if you are looking for a cat that “goes its own way” while letting you go yours, don’t choose a panther cat .

Due to its social character , it is ideal as a family cat , especially where there are children or other pets. Oddly enough, this breed has been shown to get along much better with dogs than with other cats, perhaps because their character is more similar to that of dogs.

She even loves to go for a walk like she is a little dog! Put her on a leash and take long walks with your panther cat. Don’t make her too tired because she is not very active, even though she is very playful.

Care and health

She doesn’t like noise, so try to keep her in quiet places. Her hearing is extremely well developed, which is why she perceives even low volume levels as very loud.

Panther cat, care and health.

When it comes to her grooming, she doesn’t need much more than other cats. Except when it comes to food:  she devours everything quickly because she is afraid of not getting enough food. This can become an obsession.

Pay attention to their diet and don’t leave the food standing all day. The panther cat needs fixed meal times and high quality food that is low in fat but rich in nutrients.

If you are a cat lover but want to have a loving and sociable cat, the panther cat is your ideal companion.

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