Peru Opens Shelter For Disabled Dogs

Milagros Perrunos, a very special animal shelter that enables disabled dogs to lead a dignified life.
Peru opens shelter for disabled dogs

Who doesn’t like to hear good news that is talked about far too seldom. Today it’s about a  shelter  for disabled dogs in Peru. It is worth reading this article and telling others about this initiative because it is indeed worth emulating.

The shelter is called “Milagros Perrunos” (dog wonder). One of its main tasks is to improve the quality of life of those animals that are about to lose their lives due to abuse or an accident.

Milagros Perrunos , a very special shelter for disabled dogs

Milagros Perrunos, a very special shelter for disabled dogs

Disabled dogs find a new home here, where they are loved and where they can lead a dignified life despite their difficulties. You will receive medical and emotional care and a lot of love here.

It is very difficult to find a new home for disabled dogs, but this is where they get a second chance. Otherwise injured street dogs would have no chance of survival, but here there is food, water and veterinary care.

Of course, nobody dreams of spending their retirement years in a home, not even animals, but the employees look after the dogs wonderfully and again and again good-natured people are found who are willing to take in a handicapped dog.

This shelter for dogs with disabilities is located in Lima, Peru. There are already 39 very special dogs living there. Some of them are paraplegic or mutilated.

Who started the project?

Sara Morán had the idea and was able to put it into practice all by herself. She tells:

“Even as a child, my passion for animals was stronger than anything else. I’ve always had deep and special feelings for her. Maybe they can be compared to feelings for babies (which I am also very fond of). I see in animals eternal, defenseless and innocent children without social rights. One day my dog ​​“Oso” was poisoned and I think that was the turning point. From then on, pets were forbidden in my family… That’s how I grew up ”.

When Sara met  Ana María Guerrero, a world of possibilities opened up for her. She worked on sterilization campaigns to help those who needed it most.

Shelter for dogs with disabilities

From 2007 Sara continued this work independently and was later able to open the Milagros Perrunos animal shelter  . She has a wonderful team that loves animals and is committed to dogs.

In the animal shelter there are big changes for the disabled dogs:  They go to the beach and are lovingly cared for, their disabilities are now only a minor matter, because the animals are happy.

Fortunately, there are many generous and caring people who are ready to help. Sara Morán is a good role model for all of us. This project proves that there are always ways to achieve solidarity goals if one works for them with the strongest force: love.

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