Popcorn For The Dog?

If it has to be popcorn, at least make it yourself with no salt or sugar. 
Popcorn for the dog?

A relaxing movie night on the couch, with a bowl of popcorn in hand and in good company … with your dog!

He cuddles up to you, doesn’t make stupid comments, doesn’t tell you about the different scenes in the movie in advance, and doesn’t make fun of you when you have tears in your eyes or when you’re scared.

However, there is one thing that you shouldn’t do (or only rarely and in moderation): give  your dog  popcorn even if he is constantly begging for it. We explain why. 

A movie night with your dog: a great plan

Movie night with dog and popcorn

On cold and rainy days or on vacation, we like to spend our time with our best friend, who is always by our side: our dog.

You lie on the couch on Saturday evening and it doesn’t take long for your dog to come to you and sit down next to you.

Especially in winter it is pleasant and cozy, it warms your feet and takes away your fear. When you burst into tears at the end of the movie, your loyal friend will comfort you.

Of course, popcorn shouldn’t be missing from a movie night – that’s just part of it. But what to do if the dog asks for it too?

Is It Good For Dogs To Eat Popcorn? Or should it be better to resist the sincere gaze? Even if your dog begs for it all the time, you shouldn’t necessarily give him popcorn! Then you will find out why.

Why not popcorn for the dog?

Dogs should get their own food and not get used to being fed constantly. Outside of feeding hours, you can use food as a reward for your dog’s good behavior , but not all foods are suitable.

Popcorn is nutritious, but it is seasoned with a lot of salt or sugar, which is harmful to the intestinal health of your four-legged friend . Too much of it can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, or poisoning!

If it has to be popcorn, at least make it yourself with no salt or sugar.

It should not be forgotten that there is also a risk of suffocation in small dogs if the corn kernels get stuck in their throats and cannot be swallowed.

The grains that have not burst can also get stuck in the teeth or airways.

And a few popcorn every now and then?

The ideal case is to teach the dog not to beg with its owners at the table while eating. But it is often very difficult to resist.

Dogs can be very persuasive and with their loyal gaze insistently beg until they get a bite. If you don’t give your dog anything, you feel bad, you feel sorry for yourself and you think that a little sure can’t hurt.

When it comes to popcorn, vets point out that it depends on the amount and frequency.  Every now and then a handful that you give the dog individually cannot hurt.

Remember, however, that it should be popcorn with no butter, sugar, or salt. Make the popcorn yourself, because that way you know it doesn’t contain any additives that could cause digestive problems.

Give your four-legged friend the popcorn only one by one, not several at the same time,  and wait until he has swallowed well. If you follow these rules, your dog can have a few popcorn every now and then.

Popcorn is high in carbohydrates, so you shouldn’t overdo it yourself, especially if you’re trying to keep your weight off. Sugar and salt are also unhealthy for you!

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