Protein-rich Dog Food: Everything You Need To Know

Nutrition is a topic that every pet owner deals with again and again. Therefore, today we want to tell you everything you need to know about high-protein dog food. Then you can decide whether your fur nose needs this food too.
High protein dog food: Everything you need to know

High- protein dog food was designed for those furry friends who have special nutritional needs. There is also a difference between grain-free feed and feed that is particularly rich in protein.

A dog’s nutritional needs vary based on a number of factors. The age, daily physical activity of the animal, its state of health and possible diseases, the breed and its weight mean that every dog ​​has different needs.

Therefore, today we are concerned with the question of which animals need a high-protein dog food . Find out everything you need to know about this topic.

What is high protein dog food?

While dogs are actually carnivores and their main source of energy is of animal origin, not all parts of their diet contain the same amount of protein.

Depending on whether you are feeding your dog BARF or conventional products such as canned or dry food, its protein supply will vary accordingly.

High protein dog food contains at least 30% protein. These special feeds are designed for dogs that suffer from certain diseases or lead a certain lifestyle:

  • Working dogs (police dogs, rescue dogs, etc.)
  • Sports dogs
  • Purebred or mixed breed dogs with a lot of muscle mass
  • Obese or overweight dogs

Fat pug on the scales

What are the benefits of high protein dog food?

High protein dog foods help those dogs we mentioned earlier stay healthy. Protein is the foundation of good dog nutrition. A nutrient deficit can lead to various diseases.

High protein dog foods have numerous health benefits. Some of them are as follows:

  • It is easy to digest. The dog’s digestive system is designed to digest meat. Therefore this type of food supports the digestion and intestinal health of your four-legged friend.
  • It improves the intestinal flora. The microorganisms that live in animals’ intestines are very important to their health.
  • Maintains muscle strength. It also protects the muscles, especially in very active dogs.
  • Contrary to popular belief, high protein dog foods don’t necessarily cause kidney problems. In addition, existing kidney problems are not worsened any further. The real problem with kidney disease is the feeding of highly processed and / or poor quality feed. Because these actually have a negative effect on the health of the animals.
  • High protein, low carbohydrate dog food – which dogs find difficult to digest – is also very helpful if your dog is losing weight.

High protein dog food - Husky nibbles on bones

Are all proteins the same?

If you choose to feed your four-legged friend high-protein dog food, you should know that not all proteins have the same biological value.

In order for your dog to get a diet that is rich in high quality proteins, you should also pay attention to the origin and processing of these nutrients. Even if the dry feed is made with very high quality meat, the pressing process during production still reduces the quality.

Vegetable proteins, such as those from soy, are not good for dogs. The best proteins are those that come from fresh raw materials with little or no further processing.

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