Removing Ticks From Dogs With Natural Means

Ticks on dogs are extremely dangerous as they can cause great damage to their health. Get rid of the ticks with these powerful home remedies!
Remove ticks from dogs with natural means

Ticks in dogs are an important issue as they can be very harmful to the health of the animal. Their bite usually causes severe itching and can cause various diseases.

Not only allergies and skin inflammation, but also anemia or more serious complaints can result.

It is therefore  important to protect the fur nose from these ectoparasites. There are many drugs and commercial remedies available, but home-made tick control is also possible .

Then learn more about this topic. 

What are ticks and what diseases can they transmit to dogs?

Ticks are small hematophagous ectoparasites that can nestle on the body of various animals.

Although often confused with insects, they are arachnids belonging to the mite family called ixodoideos. In fact, they are said to be the largest mites currently found.

In addition to “stealing” nutrients and causing itching, ticks can also transmit various diseases to dogs. The body of this ectoparasite acts as a vector for various internal parasites and protozoa that can cause serious diseases:

  • Lyme disease
  • Babesiosis of the dog
  • Tularemia (“rabbit fever”)
  • Canine Ehrlichiosis
  • Tick ​​paralysis
  • anemia

Ticks in dogs can cause itching

Home remedies to prevent ticks in dogs

Of course,  regular external deworming is essential for your dog.  However, you can also use homemade remedies. Here are two options:

Natural protective agent with citrus fruits and chamomile against ticks

Citrus fruits are excellent natural repellants that work not only against ticks, but also against mosquitoes and fleas.

Chamomile not only has digestive and calming properties, it also  works to protect against ectoparasites.

For this home remedy, you can use citrus fruit peel,  which usually ends up in the trash. Prepare it as follows:


  • 1 liter of water (room temperature)
  • ½ cup of natural chamomile flowers or 3 tea bags of chamomile
  • ½ cup peel of citrus fruits (lemons, grapefruit, tangerines, oranges) without the inner white layer


  1. First, bring a quart of clean water to a boil in a saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Then add the chamomile and the citrus peel.
  3. Then let everything simmer over low heat for 3 to 4 minutes. Then leave it covered for about 30 minutes.
  4. Then pour through a sieve to remove the solids. Then pour the liquid into a spray bottle.
  5. You can simply spray this home remedy on your dog’s fur.

Ticks in dogs can cause disease

If you use this natural protective agent on your dog, you have to make sure that he does not lick it, otherwise it will of course not help. Also, keep in mind that citrus fruits can cause digestive problems such as diarrhea or vomiting in your dog.

Apple cider vinegar against ectoparasites

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most versatile and effective natural remedies due to its antiseptic properties.

It can also be used to protect against zekcen, fleas, mites and mosquitoes. Simply mix the vinegar 1: 1 with water. 

Using the Apple Cider Vinegar: Use a clean cloth or cotton ball to spread the liquid over your dog’s body. Be careful not to get the vinegar in your eyes, as this could cause irritation.

You can use the same vinegar solution around the house to keep parasites out. Don’t forget hidden nooks and crannies and also spray doors and windows with it.

This is how you can take good precautions against parasites!

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