Scientific Curiosities About Dogs

In this article we are going to tell you some curiosities about dogs that will surprise you.
Scientific curiosities about dogs

This article is about  curiosities about dogs. The friendship story between humans and dogs has also piqued the curiosity of scientists.

We often hear that dogs know when their caregivers are sad or sick, or that they are able to predict pregnancy. But what does science say about it?

Curiosities about dogs

1. Dogs perceive our moods

We probably all feel that our dogs know when we are sad and need their company. This behavior in dogs has motivated numerous researchers to check whether dogs can really perceive our moods.

The University of Sao Paulo and the University of Lincoln have developed an interesting experiment.

First, they selected several dogs of various breeds, including mestizos, and ages. Then they observed their reactions to different people with different moods.

Curiosities About Dogs: Social Skills

The most interesting thing is that the dogs were unfamiliar with the participants and that they were simply exposed to them on different occasions. The results show that dogs are really capable of recognizing human moods.

It is also pointed out that it is a separate ability of the species, probably developed over the centuries in the company of mankind.

Therefore, dogs can perceive the emotional states of unknown people and not only of their owners.

The likely explanation lies in their ability to “read” our facial expressions, postures, and actions. Since dogs mostly communicate through their body language, they can perceive our moods and mood changes even if we don’t say a word.

Curiosities About Dogs: Can Be Pessimistic

2. Your “fingerprints” are on your nose

Just as we have our fingerprints, dogs have a natural and unique “print” on their nose. That means every dog ​​is born with a unique drawing on its nose.

This type of drawing expresses the animal’s identity, although we cannot use it as a method of identification (like the microchip).

2. You can identify more than 100 words (and also characters)

For many years it was believed that the dog’s obedience was primarily based on understanding the pitch.

However, new studies from the University of British Columbia show that dogs can distinguish more than 160 words. Some breeds like the border collie are able to understand 200 expressions.

Many experts also say that dogs can easily distinguish voice signals and intonations because, among other things, they have brain areas similar to ours.

For this reason, it is important to use body language and pay attention to tone of voice when parenting.

3. Our love for them is similar to that of a mother for her child

Certain studies have shown that the bond between humans and dogs is similar to that between mother and child. The main responsible for this is oxytocin, the so-called “love hormone”.

Its effect on the organism enables our emotional relationship with dogs to be similar to the biological bond between mother and child.

4. Dogs and Tasmanian devils have something in common

Also among the curiosities about dogs is that , along with the Tasmanian Devil, they are the only mammals suffering from communicable cancer.

It is a malignant tumor that becomes infected during mating. Mixed breeds as well as pedigree dogs can be affected.

This serious illness needs to be diagnosed early to enable effective treatment. The progression of symptoms can deform the genitals and cause serious harm to the health of the animal.

It is therefore important to always ensure appropriate health care.

5. There are also pessimistic dogs

A recent study published in the journal Current Biology suggests that some dogs have a natural tendency to be pessimistic.

In other words, there are naturally happier and more positive races, while others have a certain tendency to be sadder and in a bad mood.

Hence, genetics play an important role in the personality and behavior of any dog. It is important to remember that upbringing and socialization are also critical to dog behavior.

At present, many scientific curiosities about dogs can help you understand the nature of your four-legged friend. It is important to emphasize that every dog ​​is a unique and unique individual and has a very special personality. 

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