Spirulina For Dogs: Is That Recommended?

The effectiveness of these superfoods depends on combining them with a healthy lifestyle
Spirulina for dogs: is it recommended?

The boom in feed additives is no secret. The variety, easy availability and also the wide range assures you a worldwide success. One of the best known is spirulina for dogs.

Spirulina is an additive, which one of receives microscopic algae belonging to the genus  Arthrospira  belong. Specifically speaking, the species most commonly used as neutraceuticals are Arthrospira maxima and Arthrospira platensis.

Spirulina has been one of the most widely consumed multivitamins for several decades. However, these were already popular as food in Aztec civilizations.

Their high nutritional value as part of a balanced diet has been confirmed by the World Health Authority.

So many also wonder whether these benefits can not also be enjoyed by animals. Nowadays there are even specific products with spirulina for dogs.

Woman in the laboratory

Benefits of Spirulina for Dogs

This additive contains a number of unique botanicals such as phycocyanin, polysaccharides and sulpholipids.

It is rich in carotenoid antioxidants and its characteristic green comes from chlorophyll, which plays a very important role in the elimination of toxins from the body.

It is also one of the sources of vegetable protein that is best absorbed. There is an assimilation of up to 60%.

Animal testing, in vitro studies, and consumer reports have confirmed the following benefits:

  • Strengthens the immune system. This is especially useful for dogs that have compromised immune systems from stress or illness. Weakness and chronic fatigue can be alleviated with a small dose of spirulina so that the animal can draw energy again. The effect is due to the strengthening of cellular communication and the multiplication of macrophages, which are important when it comes to fighting pathogens.
  • Improved stomach and intestinal health. Facilitates digestion and intestinal activity, as spirulina stimulates the beneficial intestinal flora, such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
  • Reduces allergies. The success of various laboratory experiments that have been carried out on animals and humans has even resulted in the desire to test future applications against food allergies.
  • Other possible benefits of spirulina for dogs: Some scientists believe the alga is useful against cancer. It seems like it stimulates the cells that destroy malignant tumors. In addition, the polysaccharides present in it could repair the damaged genetic material.

How do you use it?

Just like any feed additive, spirulina for dogs must be given in the correct dose. In addition, the alga will only work if you use it as part of a balanced diet and sufficient physical activity.

Chihuahua wants his treat

In specialist shops you can buy products from many manufacturers and different types of spirulina for dogs. Before doing this, you should make sure that the products are approved and that the origin is specified.

It is best to buy products made especially for dogs, as they already contain the appropriate dose.

After consultation with the veterinarian, spirulina can also be used in powder form. This way you can slowly introduce the product into your diet and avoid possible allergic reactions.

In these cases it is best to mix the recommended amount with the usual food to hide the typically bitter taste.

Generally speaking, feed additives are a healthy alternative to strengthen the body. However, it is advisable to reduce its use to certain times of the year or situations, because a balanced diet should contain the nutrients necessary for the welfare of the animal.

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