Stop The Dog From Barking

If you want to stop a dog from barking, the first thing you need to do is identify the causes. You need understanding and patience. 
Stop the dog from barking

Dogs bark for different reasons, it is an important means of communication for them, with which they can express joy, danger or other things. Sometimes barking can be unpleasant, but how can you stop a dog from  barking ? 

Why do dogs bark?

If you want to stop a dog from barking, the first thing you need to do is identify the causes. You need understanding and patience.


Dogs not only need food, they also have other basic needs: the daily walk, their own space, petting … If these needs are not met, the dog will feel stressed and may respond by barking.

Stress, loneliness, frustration, or abuse are situations in which dogs often bark to express their tension.

Excessive loneliness

Dogs often bark

Dogs need company, especially when they are very active, they need to interact with their surroundings. If you’ve been out for a long time and the dog feels lonely, he may bark to show his displeasure.

In that case, finding a four-legged friend for him would be ideal 

Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety can also lead to similar behavioral patterns. The dog barks or nibbles on furniture when it suffers. To alleviate this fear, you should make sure that your dog is well looked after while you are away. 

Socialization difficulties

Failure to properly socialize a dog as a puppy can affect its behavior. Perhaps he is afraid of everyday stimuli, noise, children, bicycles, etc. and barks because of it. A dog trainer can help you with this.


Some dogs are very playful and easily irritated, especially puppies when they are playing with other animals,  discovering new things and are excited. Because of the excitement, for example, they cannot control their bladder or bark uncontrollably.

Reward the dog for behaving calmly, but don’t scold them for behaviors they can’t control.

Avoid frustration

Certain behaviors and games can frustrate the dog. For example, if the dog chases a laser light that it can never reach, it may be funny for the viewer, but frustrating for the animal.

Sickness, old age or deafness

Some dogs lose their hearing or eyesight at some point in life. This can cause them to bark a lot. In this state, animals need special affection and care. Treat your dog with love and respect in old age.


Difficult and traumatic experiences can make dogs fearful of situations, people, and objects. It is important to know how to handle these cases with patience. Know that the dog only wants to protect itself because it feels in danger.

Tricks to stop dogs from barking

dogs bark

You can try the following tips to prevent your four-legged friend from barking all the time:

  • Create a relaxed, calm atmosphere. Pet, massage, and reward your dog for good behavior.
  • Don’t scold him when he barks. This behavior will only make the problem worse.
  • Dogs that bark constantly need exercise. No excessive training, just continuous and moderate exercise.
  • If the dog barks when he sees other dogs,  you shouldn’t pull the leash, but keep walking as if nothing had happened.
  • Remain calm and hold the dog so he can notice. Always pay attention to his safety and well-being.

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