Strange Cat Behavior

On social networks you can find a lot of funny photos and videos of cats in the most curious situations. Learn more about strange cat behavior!
Strange cat behavior

Cats are mysterious and sometimes weird. They give us affection, make us laugh and sometimes they arouse our curiosity through their behavior. Do you want to learn more about strange cat behavior ?

Strange cat behavior

On social networks you have surely seen very funny pictures of cats in the most unexpected and incredible positions.

Sleep in the sink

This is one of the funniest pictures you can take of your cat and there are a lot of them on social media already. Why does the cat have the habit of sleeping in this uncomfortable part of the house?

Well, it’s because of the sink’s resemblance to a construction that makes it feel safe. Their wild ancestors, like the tigers, hid to watch their prey during the day and to flee from their hunters at night.

The smaller the room, the less space there was for everyone else and the less you could imagine the predators that were there.

In addition, the sink is possibly one of the coolest places in the house,  which makes it comfortable, especially on hot summer days. A place where nobody expects to find a cat.

Drink from the toilet

You have probably seen your cat drink from the toilet more than once. For us, this may be disgusting behavior, but she only sees it as a source of fresh water to drink and refresh yourself from.

Strange cat behavior: drink from the toilet

Since the water is constantly being changed, it seems fresher than what has been in your bowl all day and warms up. Of course, she doesn’t know what this water is used for. So, watch out and close the lid!

Run like crazy

This can be one of the funniest situations your cat offers you. You sit quietly on the couch and watch your favorite show. Suddenly you see your cat running around the house like crazy. What happened?

Sometimes she only burns energy because her body demands it. Then there is nothing better than running wildly around the house.

However, this behavior could also be triggered by itching, fleas, or parasites. If you notice that your cat roams around often for no reason, do a thorough inspection of the fur to rule out this cause.

Suck on fabric

Another strange behavior of cats is that they love to suckle on cloth, our fingers, or a toy. When a puppy does this there is nothing to worry about. Because it is an opportunity to get to know the new environment.

But when it comes to an adult cat, things are different.

This case could particularly occur in cats that were weaned early. So that you understand: they still have the urge to suckle in order to get milk.

If your adult cat shows this behavior, don’t hesitate to take him to the veterinarian to determine the cause.

Open mouth and rigid posture

This behavior is internationally known as “Flehmen”, a German word that describes exactly what the cat does with its open mouth.

Strange cat behavior: staring and mouth open

It does this because it allows odors to reach the vomeronasal organ in the upper part of the mouth. That way, she can get a lot more information than just her nose.

As you can see, there are also explanations for cat behavior. You have probably already observed your cat doing these habits.

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