Syrian Refugees Leave Everything Behind Except Their Pets!

When your own life is at stake, others are quickly forgotten. But these refugees have shown their courage, their loyalty and their love for their animals. 
Syrian refugees leave everything behind except their pets!

How quickly is a pet forgotten when you have to flee in a hurry and when it is often a matter of life or death? Numerous Syrian refugees have shown their love for animals, because even in the worst situations they have not forgotten  to look after their pets .

When your own life is at stake, others are quickly forgotten. But these refugees have shown their courage, their loyalty and their love for their animals. 

The situation in Syria

Again and again we read about the misfortune of an entire country, a relentless war that has already claimed the lives of many people. Children, women and men experience immeasurable suffering.

Today, however, we are concerned with the animals that are no better. When you have to save your own life, there is little time to take care of others. Many families have lost loved ones and suffer from deep sadness.

They know that they must not stand still, they have to save their lives, leave their homes. Many seek their happiness in Europe  and leave their whole life behind.

Nevertheless, many refugees decide to take less clothes with them on the run, but not to abandon their pets. A heartfelt lesson for all of us! 

Syrian refugees and their pets

Although many Syrian people had to leave their homeland on foot, they decided to take their pets with them: in prams or shoulder bags, as can be seen in many pictures on social networks.

Syrian refugees and their pets

There are innumerable stories of escaping with pets, we will tell you a few of them afterwards:

  • Zeytun means olive. It is a cat who was lucky enough to travel with her owner in a boat from Syria to Lesbos (Greece) and got there healthy.
  • Johnny,  the dog of a young Syrian couple, accompanied them on their footpath to Germany. An unbelievable achievement! The dog covered some distances in the stroller, it would never have occurred to its  owners to leave him behind. 
  • Teddy and his owner also risked his life on the boat trip to Greece. Both got there safe and sound.

These are just a few examples of pets that went on a journey with their owners to save their lives.

Syrian refugees and their pets

Challenges on the journey

Many people fleeing the war did not want to abandon their pets, not even in this life-threatening situation. It would be cruel to leave the animals to their fate alone.

Despite all the difficulties and the great additional burden, many have shown their sense of responsibility –  wonderful people who can be role models for all of us. 

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