Tartar In Dogs: Natural Remedies

As with humans, the dreaded tartar builds up in dogs, and for the same reasons.
Tartar in Dogs: Natural Remedies

Before it happens that there is no other way to take the dog to the vet due to carelessness in caring for the animal, we need to pay attention to the signals in his mouth. Teeth could fall out and liver, heart, bowel and kidney problems could develop. Here we give you tips on how to prevent tartar build-up in dogs.

As with humans, the dreaded tartar builds up in dogs, and for the same reasons. It’s a solid plaque that clings to the base of the tooth. Tartar is an accumulation of food particles that combine with bacteria and mineral salts. This results in a number of elements that pose a real problem when hardening.

The tartar is initially soft and thin and can be easily removed. In the long run, however, it becomes so solidified that more drastic measures are required to get rid of it, which is only possible in veterinary practice.

Next, we’re going to talk a little more about this condition, also called plaque or tartar, and give you some measures and natural remedies to prevent or remove tartar in dogs.

Signs of tartar in dogs

The dog’s mouth and teeth should be carefully examined for any visible signs of tartar. Observe for dark spots and a hard, yellowish layer at the base of the teeth near the gums.

It is also recommended to check the connection between teeth as tartar build-up is usually found in these spaces. We need to remember the importance of dental hygiene here.

This is the first investigation we need to do. Before tartar appears properly, it is possible that the dog will show other signs such as bad breath and discomfort while eating. Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), sores in the oral cavity, excessive salivation and signs of infection in the mouth can be detected in this way.

Tartar in dogs - husky at the vet

Long-term effects of tartar in dogs

The prolonged presence of tartar can have very serious consequences. For example, the dog’s teeth can fall out and abscesses can form that can spread to other areas of the head. After all, the worst complications are heart, liver, kidney and intestinal diseases.

These extremes shouldn’t be reached as tartar can be prevented and even treated early in dogs. When tartar builds up, there are steps to stop its progress and get rid of it. Then, with checking and regular maintenance, it will prevent it from reappearing.

If time has passed and the tartar has hardened, it is best to contact the veterinarian for regular checkups, who can mechanically remove the tartar residue.

How to prevent and reduce tartar build-up in dogs

It is important to know that certain breeds of dogs are more likely than others to suffer from this pesky disease. An example are the very small breeds and those with flat snouts (called brachycephalic dogs). Those who have passed adulthood are also more susceptible.

Here are some measures and natural remedies to prevent tartar build-up in dogs :

Oral hygiene

The veterinarian is the one who can do this best, but they can also provide guidelines to the owner so that, with appropriate practice, they can do them himself. The frequency is not the same as that of humans, nor are they the same utensils. A special brush and toothpaste are required (human toothpaste is toxic to dogs).

Tartar in dogs - dog with toothbrush

If the dog is not used to it, the first thing you need to do is get him to overcome his fear. Rountine is what will make him stay calm later on. You should rinse his mouth well and stop using chlorhexidine spray or gel.

Adequate nutrition

The dog’s diet must not be the same as that of humans, nor should it eat leftovers or contraindicated ingredients. In a natural setting, dogs would have a variety of natural textures available. Some of them have a self-cleaning effect on their teeth.

Treats and special toys

There are certain commercial pet treats and toys on the market that are specifically designed to help reduce mouth buildup. Our pet will have fun and clean his mouth at the same time.

Cleansing with baking soda and apple cider vinegar

Baking soda can be used to brush your teeth. One teaspoon is diluted in a glass of water. The vinegar can also be used in pure concentration to brush your teeth and must then be rinsed out well.

Carrots and bowls of fruit and vegetables

By eating vegetables and crispy peels, the dog’s canines automatically scrape off the surface of their teeth , which amounts to a kind of natural cleaning.

As we can see, there are many measures in place that aim to prevent the appearance of tartar in dogs and possible health complications.

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