The Best Way To Keep A Cat At Home

Some cat critics claim that the animals are too independent and not cuddly enough. But that’s not true. Today we’re going to give you some guidelines for keeping a cat at home.
The best way to keep a cat at home

We have heard many topics about cats. Some cat critics claim that the animals are too independent and not cuddly enough. The reality, however, is different. We’ll give you some guidelines for keeping a cat at home.

A cat at home has its own behavior

Cats make wonderful company for those people  who do not mistake them for dogs. Their personality and behavior are just very different from that of dogs.

If you want to keep a cat at home, keep in mind that it won’t jump on you for joy or wag its tail like crazy when you get home from work.  If that’s what you want, it’s better to choose a dog.

Cats show their affection in a different way.  They slowly sneak around your legs to show you that they like you.

Even if it’s true that cats are independent, that doesn’t mean they don’t need your love and attention. Like all animals, cats need your time and affection.

Guidelines for keeping a cat indoors

The kitty feels at home

First we have to make our home, which will also be the home of the little kitten, absolutely cat-safe.  Cats can go almost anywhere. Their fascinating mobility allows them to reach any height without any problems.

  • If your apartment is upstairs, you will need to put safety nets on balconies and windows.  In this way we can avoid the risk of our cat falling into the deep.
    • Decorative elements in your home could be broken or scratched if they are within reach of the cat.  So it is better to find a new, safe place for them.
    • Likewise, it’s important to keep all chemical substances  such as brighteners, insecticides, washing powder, and so on, out of the cat’s reach.
    • Take care that the cat cannot get hold of plastic bags, needles, or other pointed or sharp objects that  could injure it.
    • Make sure the washing machine, oven, and kitchen cabinet doors are locked.  Cats love to play hide and seek and could accidentally get stuck in somewhere.

    Some items for the cat at home

    To keep a cat at home, you should reserve a place that is exclusively for them.  This is where we keep the toys and basic items like cat litter and food.

    • The litter box. It should be the right size and not too small so that the cat can freely bury its feces.
    • Scratching post:  The cat will always look for a place to sharpen its claws. To prevent her from using items in the house, it is best to get her a scratching post.
    • The cat toy doesn’t have to be expensive.  You can also make it yourself at home. A ball of wool, a rattle or a cheap laser pointer are enough. The important thing is that the kitten has fun while exercising its muscles.
    • Every now and then you should cut the cat’s claws.  This is how you prevent them from hurting others or yourself with them.
    • The cat should be brushed at least twice a week.
    • The feed should be  rationed as recommended by the veterinarian. You should always make sure that it has an adequate minimum quality.
    • While cats can sleep anywhere, it is best if you teach them to sleep outside of your bedroom. The easiest way to do this is to buy her a cat bed.

    Living together with the cat at home

    It is our responsibility as a cat owner and friend to teach her to share her home with other animals.  A cat can become a friend to a dog or other pet, but you need to be patient because it won’t happen right away. You have to introduce the animals to each other with caution and give them time so that they can sniff each other and get to know each other a little.

    Living with your cat will depend on the bond you make with one another.  It is important to learn about the sounds your cat is making so that you can understand their needs and behaviors.

    The use of a cat at home

    Cats at home

    The entertainment, the joy and the company are the great benefits that a cat brings us.  Even if it might not seem like it at first glance, our kitties are the funniest and most entertaining pets there is.

    The proof of their ability to amuse themselves and us can be found in the social networks. Cat pranks are one of the most searched items on the internet. 

    Cats behave quietly and independently. They are respectful, sweet, and cuddly roommates. Other than that, they are very intelligent.

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