The Common Leopard Gecko – An Ideal Pet

The common leopard gecko is ideal if you are looking for an exotic pet. Here you can find out more about this fascinating animal and why it is so beneficial to keep. You will also find some tips that you should keep in mind.
The common leopard gecko - an ideal pet

When you’re looking for the perfect small pet that is easy to keep, you probably think of a mammal. Hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and rabbits are often the first choice of pet hunters. But there are also some more exotic options that you should also consider. One of them is the common leopard gecko. Find out why he’s the ideal pet in today’s article.

The common leopard gecko and its characteristics

The common leopard gecko ( Eublepharis macularius ) is a species of gecko that belongs to the Eublepharidae family Below are some of its features:

  • The common leopard gecko comes from semi-arid regions and lives throughout the Middle East.
  • It is usually between six and 30 centimeters long. The characteristic tail serves as a fat reserve and in dangerous situations the animal can shed its tail.
  • Its typical color is yellow with brown spots. However, there are several different morphotypes that have evolved from life in captivity.
  • Although these animals tend to live in colonies in nature, they can adapt well to life in captivity. The males are extremely territorial.
  • The common leopard gecko is extremely docile and it is very rare for these animals to behave aggressively.
  • They are also insectivores and feed on crickets, cockroaches and larvae, among other things. They do not eat plants or vegetables.

Sounds like a nice, interesting animal, doesn’t it? Well, there is more good news! You can find these reptiles at almost every exotic pet store, and they’re ideal pets for both adults and children. So if you’re interested in bringing a leopard gecko into your home, we’ll tell you what you need to know about it.

The common leopard gecko - close-up

The common leopard gecko: what do you need to keep it?

Although these reptiles are very easy to keep, there are some important preparations you need to make before you can bring them home.


Depending on how much money you want to spend, you can buy an inexpensive or a very sophisticated terrarium. Let’s face it, your pet probably doesn’t care if their cage is plastic or glass. What matters is the size and ventilation.

For two common leopard geckos you need a terrarium that is 70 centimeters long and 40 centimeters wide. However, it is imperative that you never bring two males together, as they could seriously injure each other. You should also make sure that your terrarium has a suitable ventilation system. In other words, a plastic box is not enough.

When it comes to where to sleep, geckos are not very demanding. There is only one rule to keep in mind: the bedding must be organic. These animals hunt their prey with their jaws and therefore it often happens that they also swallow other objects. Hence, sand and rocks are definitely a no as geckos cannot digest them. In fact, swallowing sand or stones could result in death.

  • You can use anything for the bedding, from toilet paper to kernels of corn, coconut fiber, or rabbit lawn.

In addition, it is important that you add some elements to the terrarium that are similar to the animals’ natural environment. For example, hollow trunks and plastic or live plants will help your gecko feel like they are in their natural habitat.

Humidity and temperature

Since the common leopard gecko is cold-blooded and comes from a semi-arid environment, temperature plays an essential role in its survival.

The ideal temperature in the terrarium is 28 ° C. If you attach a reptile heating pad to part of the underside of the terrarium from the outside, your pet can decide whether to stay in the warm or cold area, thereby regulating its own body temperature.

In terms of humidity, it is enough to put a plastic container with damp toilet paper in the cage. You should leave the container ajar so your gecko can crawl in. The common leopard gecko needs moisture to moult. Hence, this is an important aspect that you must not forget.

The common leopard gecko - with prey


Leopard geckos are insectivorous animals, which is perhaps the biggest “downside” to keeping them as pets. Because you have to have colonies of crickets, cockroaches and larvae at home in order to be able to offer your pet a varied diet. Pet stores carry these insects at a very low price.

  • Hunting insects outdoors and feeding them to your pet is never a good idea as they could carry parasites and potentially kill your pet.

As adults, these reptiles will feed every two or three days and almost every day when they are young. You should supplement your diet with calcium powder and vitamin D3 twice a week. You can also find these vitamin supplements in pet stores or reptile stores.

The common leopard gecko as a pet: the benefits

Despite the initial work it takes to meet the needs of these wonderful pets, they give you myriad benefits:

  • The common leopard gecko is extremely docile, and you can pick it up, put it on your hand, and pet it. You can also take him out of the terrarium every day to keep him a little company or to allow him to explore the surroundings a little. However, you should be careful not to exceed half an hour.
  • These animals have behaviors that you cannot observe in mammals. If you watch them molt or catch insects, it really is a fascinating sight.
  • In contrast to many typical small mammals, the common leopard gecko can live up to 15 years.
  • By keeping these reptiles as pets, you can teach your children the importance of biodiversity so that they don’t just focus on the small furry animals.

As you can see, these beautiful animals are ideal for entering the world of herpetology.

Although keeping them thoroughly prepared, these reptiles will be good company for you for many years and will expand your knowledge of nature.

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