The Dog Tibo Is Learning To Walk Again

With a lot of patience and loving care, Tibo was able to learn to walk again after waking up unexpectedly motionless one day.
The dog Tibo is learning to walk again

The dog Tibo woke up one day and could no longer move his body. Although the diagnosis was very pessimistic, his family found treatment that could help. They filmed the result to motivate other dog owners as well. Tibo can now walk again Learn more about the history of this dog.

The day that Tibo’s life changed

As every day, Leonardo, the dog owner, got up and opened the window to the garden. He  waited for Tibo, his big black dog, who would greet him warmly every morning. 

But that day everything was different. Leonardo called his dog and thought that the four-legged friend was trying to play a prank on him  and was hiding.

But time passed and there was no trace of Tibo. Leonardo went to look for his dog and saw that he was lying on the ground without moving. His eyes were open, but he was completely motionless.

Leonardo said: “I was very concerned because Tibo was not injured,  he had open eyes and moved his tail, but the rest of the body lay motionless. I took his legs and they were without any strength. “

Leonardo took the 50 kg dog to the vet, where it was examined.

The diagnosis

It wasn’t easy to find out what exactly was going on with Tibo. A blow, an insect bite, poisoning or poor movement could be the causes of the immobility. The vets told Leonardo that there was nothing they could do and that the dog would remain motionless.

The family was very concerned. Leonardo and his wife didn’t know how to explain to their children what was wrong with Tibo. Everyone was sad and afraid. Leonardo explains: “ When I ask my children to make a drawing of the family, the dog is never missing. Seeing Tibo in this state was very bitter for everyone. “

Further investigations

Leonardo and his family had further investigations carried out. They took Tibo to another vet for a further diagnosis.

But nobody could explain the condition of the animal: it did not react to a syringe, it could not bend its legs and certainly not walk. His legs didn’t react in any way.

The animal did not complain, did not cry, and did not appear to be in pain, but it was blocked and motionless.

The first cortisone and vitamin injections did not produce the desired result, but Leonardo did not give up so quickly: “I was able to find the address of a physiotherapist for dogs. He performed a treatment with electrodes and showed us various exercises to strengthen the animal’s muscles and stimulate it with massages. “

Physiotherapy for Tibo

Physiotherapy started to work. The dog needed regular treatment and stimulation, he showed great will and responded to the stimulation.

The family also had the idea of ​​taking in a little dog. It was a playful poodle who asked Tibo to move. A huge success was achieved when Tibo was able  to stand on his feet for a few seconds  before falling back to the ground.

This small advance motivated Leonardo to continue the treatment. In the summer  , the family started doing water exercises with Tibo. 

After a month, Tibo was able to move again. He was able to stand on his feet and walk for the first time in six months.

The reward for persistence

In order to motivate other families and to strengthen their patience, Leonardo explains: “All the vets helped us and gave us the advice to give the dog time, even if they did not know the origin of the disease. But there are some people who have no stamina in such a situation and let the dog euthanize. We have therefore made a video that can be seen on YouTube to encourage others who are in similar situations. “

The family received grateful comments from people around the world.

The love of a dog

Loving a dog seems very easy, but it takes a lot more than just tenderness: strong positive emotions and a willingness to do what is best for the animal, perseverance and patience to  make the dog feel loved and safe.

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