The Five Largest Dog Breeds

These dogs instill respect for their enormous size. However, their temperament is calm and friendly towards people. Some of them were used as herding dogs and sheepdogs.
The five largest breeds of dogs

Despite their gigantic size, the majority of these five largest dog breeds are characterized by a friendly and sociable character. That is why they are also called the friendly giants.

In this article, you will learn more about the five largest dog breeds .

Which are the largest breeds of dogs?

We see them from a distance and are already frightened. If they stand on their hind paws, they are sometimes even bigger than a person!

The largest dog breeds are also characterized by their calm and friendly temperament.

1. Great Dane

It is called the Apollo of the dog breeds, as there is no larger one to this day. This is a clumsy and slow dog that needs a lot of care, especially when it comes to food.

The Great Dane (which graces our cover picture) is a strong and muscular dog. It has long paws and can reach a height of up to 90 cm. The fur can be brown, mackerel, black and white spotted, or black.

2. St. Bernard

Nowadays the St. Bernard reaches a height of 70 to 86 cm, but in ancient times it was over 90 cm tall. This dog comes from the Swiss Alps and belongs to the group of shepherd dogs.

St. Bernard in the snow

The Saint Bernard is calm, gets along very well with children, is usually dominant towards other dogs and needs a lot of space.

It is used as a travel companion when mountaineering and due to its thick fur, it can suffer from heat.

3. Newfoundland

This is another of the largest breeds of dogs, and is known for being kind and calm.

They are tame, loyal animals that are perfect for work because of their strength. They bark in a very deep tone, which is why they can also be used as guard dogs.

He gets along very well with children, but if the game gets a bit wild, he can accidentally knock them over with an abrupt movement .


Males reach a height of between 72 and 90 cm and are easy to recognize by their black, waterproof fur. Unfortunately, because of their size and weight, they often develop hip dysplasia.

4. Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog is also one of the largest dog breeds (70 cm stick size).

Males weigh around 50 kg. The dog, which came from Switzerland, was bred to be a hat for large animals. Its woolly fur stands out for its three colors: black, brown and white.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog needs a lot of space and exercise, which is why it is not suitable for a city apartment.

He has to get enough exercise every day. Besides that, he’s easy to raise, has a special knack for children, and is a loyal protector of the family.

5. Tibetan Mastiff

All mastiffs are large, but the Tibetan one is the giant among them. It can grow up to 68cm. That’s why he shouldn’t be missing on our list of the five largest dog breeds!

Tibetan mastiff

With his mane, which makes him appear even bigger, this fur nose makes a particularly terrifying impression. 

The fur is very firm and mostly black or brown. In Tibetan culture, this animal is a symbol of wealth and social rank.

However, it was originally bred to help the nomadic shepherds of the Himalayas and to protect the Buddhist monasteries.

Other large dog breeds include the Mastiff, Pyrenean Mastiff, Dogo Argentino, Spanish Mastiff, Yugoslav Shepherd Dog and the Bobtail.

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