The Intelligence Of Rats

Rats are animals that have had a bad reputation for many years. However, if properly trained, these rodents can make great pets. Discover why rats are extremely intelligent animals.
The intelligence of rats

Some people may be afraid of rodents, but the intelligence of rats is undeniable. These rodents are ideal pets when properly cared for.

Rats are naturally curious, have great memories, and incredible learning abilities. These rodents understand even complex concepts and once they have learned something they do not forget it.

If you understand the intelligence of rats , then you can appreciate these little animals for what they really are. If you choose to hold them safe and give them enough mental stimulation, then you will see how much it pays to hold them.

The intelligence of rats: their brains

First, you need to know that humans and rats (as living things) have more similarities than differences. In fact, we often suffer from the same diseases. That’s because we have a similar physiology.

As for the brain, neuroscientists have discovered that rats’ brains are very similar to ours. In particular, the sensorimotor cortex of humans and rats shares innumerable similarities.

It should be noted that in this comparison the rats are the winners. In addition, while the human brain trusts visual information, the rat also obtains important somatosensory information through its whiskers.

The best learners

House rats are very gentle and playful creatures. Just like a dog, a rat can learn many tricks, and even react to their name.

The intelligence of rats is so high that they can learn to sit down, look for something, or jump through a ring. They also come when you call them or balance over a rope.

A rat is nibbling on a piece of cheese

Rats can be taught to solve puzzles, run through mazes or do tons of tricks. It is quite easy to train a rat because it will respond pleasantly to treats. I m Internet there are many videos that show you how to teach a rat stuff.

The intelligence of rats: one has to understand their ability to learn

In nature, rats’ survival depends on their ability to learn. They have to face a lot that nature puts in their way: they learn to forage for food and to avoid traps.

In various laboratory studies, scientists taught rats to push a button to get food. If the food is only available every fourth button press, press four times in quick succession to get your treat.

It has even been found in the laboratories that rats can learn to turn lights on and off without a reward. They only do this because they like the change. Scientists believe that the rats’ reward is to have some power over these things.

The rats’ intelligence makes them little heroes

The fun of pleasing her human friend, and her keen sense of smell and hearing make it possible to train rats to find bombs and landmines.

The rats’ intelligence is truly amazing as they can even learn to avoid certain types of rat poison. But these rodents can also bypass mouse traps, free themselves and also a conspecific from them.

Rats are social animals

Rats are incredibly social animals. They have very complex relationships with other rats, feel affection and recognize members of their own family. They also take care of other injured or sick rats.

Woman carries a rat on her shoulder

Rodents can laugh. They show it by gritting their teeth and grinding them. They also recognize when another rat is doing them a favor and pay it back. This type of behavior, called direct reciprocity, is first described in the animal kingdom.

The rodents also have very complex communication skills. These are noises that humans cannot hear.   They also develop affection for humans and are popular pets.

They give in to peer pressure

Interestingly, like us humans, rats give in to group pressure. If they are in the presence of other rats who consume food with a really bad taste, they will find themselves with it and eat it too.

Scientists today are manipulating genes to create smarter mice in hopes of developing better treatments for dementia in humans.

But for now it is clear that the rats’ intelligence is unsurpassable. Their survival rate despite the difficult conditions that nature and man have prepared them arouses our respect.

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