The Most Incredible Defense Tactics In The Animal Kingdom

Some species of animals use incredible defense tactics to protect themselves. Some of them seem almost human-thinking
The most incredible defense tactics in the animal kingdom

Some animals can run very quickly, others prefer to hide. Then there are those who adjust to their surroundings and those who just play dead. Sometimes there are just the most incredible defense tactics out there in the animal kingdom. 

In today’s article, we’ll tell you more about how animals protect themselves from predators in the wild.

The most awesome defense tactics in the animal kingdom

Undoubtedly, nature is wise and has given each species its own characteristics. Those who cannot attack have developed great defense tactics in the animal kingdom that  sometimes we humans can only marvel at. 

1. Opossum

The opossum (shown on our featured picture) is often not particularly loved by people. Maybe it’s because we don’t find it particularly nice, that it likes to rummage in the trash, or that it smells pretty strong.

But we cannot deny that it is a very intelligent mammal.

If it realizes it is in danger, then it just plays dead! It drops to the ground, opens its mouth, sticks out its tongue and closes its eyes.

So it remains for a few minutes. Meanwhile, even his heartbeat and breathing rhythm sank to the absolute minimum!

2. Puffer fish

It is also called the porcupine of the seas. The puffer fish puffs up to make it appear larger than it really is.

When he feels threatened, he becomes round like a balloon and scares his attackers. This is surely one of the trickiest defense tactics in the animal kingdom!

The puffer fish puffs up in danger

But how does he actually do it? He fills his extremely elastic stomach with plenty of water within seconds. So it can multiply its size. There are even some species with spikes to make them appear even more threatening.

3. Wall lizard

Most lizards can lose their tails when in danger. If, for example, they fall victim to a bird and it lifts them into the air by the tail, they can free themselves again in this way.

Die Mauereidechse verliert ihren Schwanz, um sich zu retten

As if that wasn’t crazy enough, you will quickly find a new one!

This enables them to protect themselves again from attackers. Of course, this is not the only defense tactic of this little reptile. They also camouflage themselves extremely effectively by adapting the color to their surroundings.

4. Electric eel

Who would like to attack an animal that can give off electric shocks of up to 700 volts when it is in danger?

Not even man is that brave! The electric eel is one of the most dangerous sea creatures because of its defensive tactics.

Be careful with the electric eel

This is certainly one of the most sophisticated defense tactics in the animal kingdom.

To do this, he has a special group of cells that are located on his body, which is up to two meters long.

But he doesn’t just protect himself in this way. He also paralyzes his victims. The electric shock can last up to a minute!

5. Skunk

One of the various defense tactics in the animal kingdom is to emit a disgusting stench.  The skunk is clearly the king of the musty animals.

As soon as a possible attacker comes up to it, this cute-looking mammal squirts a smelly liquid from its anal gland.

Das Stinktier hat seinen Namen nicht ohne Grund

The stench doesn’t just make people feel sick.

If the liquid gets into the eyes, it can even cause temporary blindness.  One misunderstanding is enough to trigger one of the most disgusting defense tactics in the animal kingdom.

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