The Weta, One Of The Largest Insects On The Planet

The strange weta is one of the largest insects on earth and seems to come from a fantasy or science fiction film. Learn more about them!
The weta, one of the largest insects on the planet

We travel to New Zealand to meet a creature that seems to have come from the cinema or the imagination. But in reality, the weta can be found in many corners of this country, and its enormous size does not go unnoticed. Find out more about one of New Zealand’s animal symbols!

What is a weta?

If we stick to their classification, weta is actually a term that encapsulates around 70 different species from two families of insects : Anostostomatidae and Rhaphidophoridae .

As with other animals living in New Zealand, the term weta comes from the Maori language. The most recent research on fossils points these creatures back to the Triassic period about 190 million years ago.

General characteristics of Weta

Within the insect group, these animals have the honor of being among the largest. Some specimens of the so-called giant weta ( Deinacrida fallai ) grow up to 20 centimeters. According to their morphology , we could compare them to grasshoppers or crickets as they are very similar.

Giant weta

Some common traits are their inability to fly, partly due to their weight, and their nocturnal activity. During the day they prefer to hide. They use the nightfall to feed themselves. The diet of these insects differs depending on the species: some of them are omnivores and others are vegetarian, for example on fruits, leaves or seeds.

The cryptobiosis: surviving the winter

If these animals already surprise with their unusual morphology, their mechanism of adaptation to all temperature ranges is even more incredible. When the winter cold sets in, the weta survives thanks to a process called cryptobiosis.

This mechanism causes the “halt” or temporary cessation of the internal functions of the organism, which allows the animal to survive indefinitely.

This prevents the water contained in the cells of the weta from freezing in cold temperatures, which helps its survival. This extraordinary mechanism has also been observed in other insect species as well as in bacteria and plant seeds.

Tree weta

What types are there?

The first example that we will introduce to you is the giant weta. In reality, it is a family that includes 11 different species belonging to the genus Deinacrida .

These monstrous insects can weigh up to 30 grams. The catch of one specimen was even proven to be 70 grams. They can be easily found in the high latitudes of the South Island or on small, remote islands.

The tree weta are also very representative and eye-catching. These insects, belonging to the genus Hemideina , usually live in tree holes and in groups made up of a male and several females.

These weta are characterized by a pair of sturdy jaws that they use without hesitation when threatened. Seven different types are currently known.

Finally, we briefly introduce the spectacular tusk weta, a specimen with long tusks that protrude from the lower jaws of the males. When there is an argument between males, the weta uses its tusks to attack.

These insects are mostly carnivores and their diet is based on worms and other insects. Like the tree weta, it also lives in tree holes.

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