Tips For Caring For A Blind Dog

What to do if the fur nose goes blind? With lots of good tips for caring for a blind dog, this article offers help for masters!
Tips for caring for a blind dog

Dogs’ eyesight deteriorates with age. Although your other senses, such as smelling or hearing, remain intact, you may need help if you begin to lose your sight. In this article you can find out how best to care for a blind dog and how important it is to care for a blind dog in order to maintain its quality of life in its final years.

Tips for caring for a blind dog

First, realize that even though your dog may lose his sight, he can still take care of himself. That said,  you don’t need to be over-anxious or assume that he can’t do anything without your help. If you pass your fears and insecurities onto him, he may become completely dependent on you.

Caring for a blind dog is not always easy.

Keep in mind that your dog will adjust to its new condition over a short period of time. He is able to use his other senses and even develop them further. Follow these suggestions and tips for grooming a blind dog as closely as possible:

1. No major changes in your home

Objects like furniture should only be moved or repositioned for strategic reasons. That doesn’t mean you have to remove half of your furniture so your dog can roam freely without bumping into anything. Only move certain things that are dangerous or that could break if the dog knocks them over.

Note that the dog is still guided by his sense of smell  and he can remember the location of certain objects in the house. His own objects and toys in particular give off a special smell that he can smell from afar. Don’t misplace his things, you could disorient him.

2. Give him space

In the beginning it is quite normal for a blind dog to collide with objects. Don’t worry and don’t run after him all the time.  However, you can keep the apartment tidy so that nothing can hurt him. For example, cupboard doors that are open or children’s toys that are on the floor.

3. Lock the stairs

If there are stairs in your house, you should put a small fence or similar in front of  it to prevent your dog from going up or falling down. Don’t worry, in time he will learn how to go up level by level. He may be a little scared at first, but you can help him get over it.

4. Help him find his stuff

When caring for a blind dog, you shouldn’t worry too much about whether it will find its food or water. But it is a good idea to help him in the first few days. The animal’s food bowl or bed should always serve as a reference point. From there the dog can find its way around and find its way to other parts of the apartment.

5. Buy toys that make noise

Don’t stop playing with your dog just because he has trouble seeing! Even if he can no longer see where you are throwing the ball in the park, you can use toys that make noises. That makes it easier for him to find her.

Tips for caring for a blind dog will help keep your four-legged friend happy.

Stopping playing is not a good idea because if you do, your dog could become sad or depressed. Let him know that you still care about him! For example, you can teach him to follow you by calling his name or making noises. This can help him if he gets lost in the park or in a crowd.

6. Walk him on a leash

Like playing, exercise should not be neglected when caring for a blind dog. Since certain noises can disorient or frighten him, you should always keep him on a leash. That way he is always by your side.

Note that while walking for a walk, he will stop more often than before to sniff at things. So don’t pull on the leash to propel it. By letting him smell things, he can orient himself and also find his way home.

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