Tips For Dogs Who Are Afraid At The Hairdresser

At the dog groomer, your four-legged friend has to stay with strangers, be with other animals, and endure all sorts of procedures that can make them nervous. Here are some tips to take your dog’s fear of going to the hairdresser. 
Tips for dogs who are scared at the hairdresser

After visiting the hairdresser, your loyal companion is clean, pretty and smells wonderful. But maybe your dog is  scared and stressed at the hairdresser . Maybe he’s even crying and just want to run away. If this is the case with your furry friend, we recommend reading this article because you will find useful tips here to take away your dog’s fear of  the hairdresser  .

Dogs that are afraid of the hairdresser

Visiting the hairdresser is usually uncomfortable for dogs: They have to stay with strangers and endure various procedures that are not at all pleasant. The scissors, the razor or even the hairdryer make terrible noises. In addition, the animal has to assume uncomfortable positions, the ears are cleaned, it gets wet … and all of this is by no means pleasant.

This is why many dogs are scared at the hairdresser. Everyone reacts differently,  but many shiver, are nervous and would like to run away or attack the hairdresser  to defend themselves.

But the experience at the hairdresser doesn’t have to be so bad if you follow various tips:

Dog at the hairdresser

Identify what is causing your dog to fear

The first thing you should find out is what scares your dog most about the hairdresser. If you can skip this step, it will be a great relief for your four-pawed friend.

For example, some dog owners wait at the hairdresser’s until the dog bath is over. But in the presence of the owner or mistress, the animal usually becomes even more nervous:  It is best for the owner to leave the restaurant, because then the dog is less stressed.

But this is not always the case. Some dogs prefer to be accompanied by their owners  and thus become less nervous. You have to find out for yourself what is better and easier for your four-legged friend.

Many dogs are particularly afraid of the  hairdryer: the hot air on their skin and the uncomfortable noise  are unbearable! You can tell the hairdresser not to use the hair dryer and you can eliminate one of the greatest sources of stress. The dog’s coat can dry out while walking. However, when it’s cold outside, it’s best to bring your four-legged friend into a warm house!
Your dog may not like  being touched, having their ears cleaned, or being grabbed by the legs. In this case, toys, rewards, and pats are helpful so that the dog can see that nothing is happening to him.
You can get your dog used to touching their legs at home, which will make it easier at the hairdresser’s too.

Dog at the hairdresser

Some dogs get nervous when they have to go to the groomer, but  behave very well afterwards. Sometimes the animals stop at the door because they know exactly what is in store for them. To reduce the dog’s negative attitudes, here are some steps you can take:

  • You should also build the road to the hairdresser into your walks with the dog again and again,  so that he doesn’t just associate it with the unpleasant hairdresser visit. At first he may not want to go down this street and you shouldn’t force him to do it. But gradually you can get him used to it with patience.
  • Create positive experiences in the street of the dog parlor. Give him a toy he likes, give him a treat, and praise him when he walks this street nicely.
  • Once the road is no longer a problem, you can take your dog into  the hairdressing salon for a pleasant experience:  just give him a reward, say hello to the hairdresser, and then leave.

With these simple steps and a little patience, your dog’s fear of the hairdresser will decrease. He’ll be calmer and less nervous.

These are just a few examples, but you know that every animal reacts differently and is unique. Nobody knows your dog as well as you do:  watch him and find out his reactions in different situations to know why he is afraid. This is how you can help him better.

Hairdresser at home

If the problem is the barber’s place, the smell of other dogs, or the noise of the blow dryer, you can have your four-pawed pet’s fur cut at home. There are hairdressers who come home to bathe the animal and cut its hair. 

Dog with duck at the hairdresser

The bath takes place at home in a familiar, quiet environment. Besides, it’s easier. adapt to the dog’s rhythm without stressing him too much. In this way you can avoid taking him to an unknown place, where unknown smells and people or animals are waiting for him and making him nervous.

Hairdresser without stress

In some cities there are very special dog groomers who ensure that the animals do not suffer from stress. They know the dogs’ language and when they are comfortable or stressed out. They are trained to calm the four-legged friends and dedicate the necessary time for the bath and the haircut.

Find out if there is such a hairdresser in your town and  talk to him so that your dog can have a pleasant experience at the hairdresser. Just try it out to see if he’s calmer with this hairdresser.

Remember, however, that dogs shouldn’t be bathed too often as this is bad for them. Some breeds shouldn’t have their hair cut either. 

With these tips, you’re sure to make your dog’s hairdressing experience a little more enjoyable!

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