Tips For Feeding A Canary

The canary is one of the most popular birds out there. Find out how to properly feed him here.
Tips for feeding a canary

In addition to the bird food, seeds, fruits or vegetables, we also have to pay attention to the quantities a canary needs and take into account whether it is breeding season or winter with cold temperatures is approaching. Here we give you tips on how to feed a canary.

The canary is one of the most popular birds out there. The species we know, Serinus canaria domestica , is in fact a product of selective breeding, that is,  the canary was born tame. Given its popularity, here are a number of basic tips for feeding a canary at home.

The nutritional needs of a canary

The Serinus canaria domestica or canary was bred by humans in the 17th century from a number of wild specimens with brightly colored and showy plumage.

There are several types of grains, as well as certain types of plants and vegetables, used to feed a canary . The most common foods in their diet tend to be:

  • Birdseed
  • millet
  • Nitrile
  • salad
  • Apple
  • carrot
  • hemp
  • oats

In terms of percent nutritional values, we can speak of 50% canary seed, 20% nitrile and 30% other seeds.

We should not forget about the fruits and vegetables mentioned above , which provide our pet with a source of water, vitamins and minerals.

Tips for feeding a canary - bird seed

How is a newborn canary fed?

The nutritional needs of newborns of each species are different in all respects as they are in the full developmental phase and require a number of specific nutrients in order to grow properly.

In addition to the common foods already mentioned , newborn canaries need a number of nutritional supplements to help them grow.

The mother usually chops up and vomits the food available to feed the newborn chicks. Therefore , the parents’ diet must also change. The mother usually chops oats, some fruits or vegetables, and foods with animal protein.

To incorporate these animal proteins into her diet , we can use gelatin, boiled egg or crushed squid bones, as well as live insects, which the mother processes to feed her chicks with all due care.

Feeding the parents during the reproductive process is also important for the correct development of the eggs. Try giving your canary the above foods that are high in animal protein to help the egg shell form properly.

Food and alternative practices to feed a canary

During winter or during certain periods of stress that can include both the breeding season and moving house, you may need to supplement your pet’s diet to help their immune system.

Tips for feeding a canary - canary

As a grain-eating bird, the canary chops up the grains it eats in an organ called the gizzard. To help the bird grind the grains more effectively, we can provide sand or gravel, which of course they will eat freely to better grind the grains in the gizzard.

Another alternative to feeding a canary is wild plants. There are certain types of plants that they can eat, namely:

  • dandelion
  • nettle
  • alfalfa
  • Birdweed

Remember, you can incorporate foods high in animal protein into a paste of crushed, hard-boiled egg and cereal that will help your canary gain weight and prepare for low temperatures.

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