Treatment For Rabbits With Fleas

Rabbits with fleas can scratch themselves excessively. Therefore, you should immediately examine your pet’s skin to see if they have these parasites.
Treatment for rabbits with fleas

Rabbits with fleas can scratch themselves excessively. Therefore, you should immediately examine your pet’s skin to see if they have these parasites.

More and more people are choosing pets that require special care. In this article, we will therefore provide you with information on various treatment options for rabbits with fleas.

How do you know if a rabbit has fleas?

If your pet scratches too much, there could be a number of reasons, although most of the time it is fleas. Also known to dog and cat owners, these parasites are very annoying and uncomfortable.

First, examine  the animal’s skin under the fur. If you see brown spots, it could be excrement from the fleas.

The suspicion is confirmed when you can observe the tiny pests directly. They especially like to make themselves comfortable behind the ears and on the nose.

Treatment for rabbits with fleas

Fleas are very uncomfortable for pets because they bite to feed on their blood. So as soon as you discover that your rabbit has these parasites, act immediately.

  1. Flea comb

If there are only a few fleas, you can easily remove them with a special comb available at pet stores. To make the process easier, we recommend that you comb the rabbit first and then soak the comb in warm water.

Then run it through the fur against the direction of the hair (as if you were tousling it). Rinse the comb with soap and water or alcohol after each pass.

  1. Flea treatment

The veterinarian can prescribe different treatments for rabbits with fleas, especially in more severe cases, that is, when the rabbit is very infected.

There are different brands and products that are placed on the neck of the animal, exactly where it cannot lick itself (like dogs or cats).

If you have more than one rabbit, you will need to separate them for a day or two after using the product.

This way you will prevent them from licking each other off. Don’t forget that it is a poison that can intoxicate you, or at least make you less effective.

  1. Powders or sprays

You have to be very careful with these types of agents as many of them, although prescribed by the veterinarian, can cause allergies or other dermatological reactions.

Some doctors apply the product themselves to make sure it is used correctly.

  1. Cleaning the household

Hygiene in the household or in those areas in which the rabbit stays is essential to get rid of the parasites.

It’s also important to thoroughly clean carpets, beds, pillows, and any places where fleas might hide.

There are sprays for corners and fabrics that kill fleas in a short time. They prevent them from coming into the house. You have to be careful, however, that the rabbit or other animal does not lick the ground, as this can be fatal to them.

It is best to move your pet to a different location on the day of the thorough cleaning. Under no circumstances should you use anti-flea agents for cats or dogs, as they are not the same composition and can be toxic and even fatal to your rabbit.

It is also not advisable to use flea collars as they are not only inconvenient and ineffective, but also harmful to your health.

Finally, we recommend that you carry out a weekly preventive treatment with a flea comb. This way you can prevent parasites from nesting in your pet’s fur.

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