Venezuelan Singer Writes Great Song For Dogs

A Venezuelan singer has now written a song about her dog. We bring you the text in German.
Venezuelan singer writes great song for dogs

All pet owners know exactly what it feels like to live life by the side of such a wonderful living being. A Venezuelan singer has now written a song about her dog. In the song  she describes the love she feels for her dog and the feelings it triggers in her. We are sure you will like it.

The beautiful song of a Venezuelan singer for her dog

If you watch the video we’re sharing with you below, you’ll definitely understand where she got the idea for the song from. The young woman describes her feelings for the dog really well.

Only we pet owners can understand how the mere thought of living together and the joyful moments with our four-pawed friend triggers a number of incomparable feelings in us.

So that you better understand what we are talking about, we are translating the text of this beautiful song for you. It inspires us to enjoy every moment with our dog. We should not be afraid of the pain that we will feel one day when our furry friend has to say goodbye to us, as we can be sure that no one can rob us of the beautiful moments we have experienced together.

Delight your senses with this wonderful song.

My other half

When your eyes look at me
you can see how they shine ever brighter with the time and the sun
No matter whether night or day, everything is so special with you
When I’m by your side
Then I feel that I’ve found my other half
With you the world seems easier
with you the sun and the moon embrace
you I want to give my heart
Even if you could break my

With you I don’t care and my soul is dancing
Could you be the spring That
blooms in my devastated heart?
When I’m by your side

Then I feel that I’ve found my other half.
You take me far away, very close to heaven and I don’t want to go away

With you the world seems simpler.
With you the sun and the moon hug each other.
I want to give you my heart

Because with you my life is a work of art.
With you I want to run, hug and kiss you

I give you my heart without fear of breaking it

You are better than any dream

I want to live and be happy by your side

I don’t know how you can do it
But with you the world seems easier.
With you the sun and the moon are hugging each other.
I want to give you my heart
because you make my life a work of art.
With you I want to run, hug and kiss you

I give you my heart without fear

that you break it …

And here is the video for the cheerful song that this singer from Venezuela wrote:

Love your pet

Surely this Venezuelan singer has motivated you to love your dog even more and to enjoy his presence.  Be happy about every second with him, give him all the love he demands from you and the attention he needs from you. Remember that he may not always be with you. The feelings you feel for him and those he can develop for you will be unrepeatable.

Our pets make our lives better. Everything changes when they come into our lives because there is nothing like sharing life with a pet. Only we animal lovers can understand that.

Thank you Tisuby for this unique song that  helps us appreciate what we have. You make us realize that we have someone at home who loves us unconditionally. An incomparable love …

Image source: Facebook by Tisuby

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