What Does Licking Mean In Dogs?

Does licking a dog correspond to a human caress or does it have other meanings as well?  
What does licking mean in dogs?

Dogs have different ways of showing us their love, loyalty, and obedience. But does licking a dog correspond to a human caress or does it have other meanings as well?

There are a number of reasons why dogs love to lick . You are trying to convey different messages. If you know how to interpret these,  you can understand your dog better.

Licking shows humility and submission

Dogs live in packs and show admiration and humility to their leader by licking. This social behavior is also used to communicate with the dog owner.

You feed your dog, look after it and provide it with its habitat. You ensure a certain order that the dog has to obey. That is why your dog sees you as its master and shows you respect, devotion and humility by licking you. 

When the animal is not doing well

Lecken ist ein echter Liebesbeweis

But licking can have other meanings as well. Sometimes the dog expresses that he is not doing well.  His eyes look at you sad and listless? Then the licking is a cry for help.

However, when your dog licks his own body he is in pain, which he wants to relieve with his saliva. 

Not only open wounds are healed in this way.  Dogs also lick themselves if they have allergies, bruises, or infections to relieve pain. When something hurts, they try to heal it with the tongue.

When the dog feels dirty

It is not always sick when the dog licks itself. In fact , he can lick his legs, genitals, and other body parts when he feels dirty. 

Much like cats, dogs lick each other off, but usually not as intensely. Unlike cats, dogs are less afraid of water.

Dogs try to comfort us by licking

Dogs can perceive our moods. Various studies show that they know very well whether we are sad, angry or depressed. You have probably already seen your dog trying to comfort you by licking you when you are sad.

Even if you are nervous, your four-legged friend is your best friend:  He tries to show you that he is by your side to comfort you. In this case, your dog may be restless and want to give you joy and attract your attention.

Licking is a means of communication that is  very typical for our four-legged friends. 

By licking they show us their love

You already know that all of these situations show that your dog loves you! The purpose of the licking is to show you his love and attachment. The dog licks strangers as a sign of friendship and sympathy.

Whether the dog has a habit of licking more or less often is a matter of personality. Some dogs lick everyone in a playful, friendly and loving way, others limit themselves to certain people and are more economical with their expressions of love.

Risk of contagion from licking?

Dogs also lick each other off

There are people who love having dogs but who limit physical contact with their loyal companion. Not everyone wants a wet tongue on their face, no matter how much they love their dog!

A scientific study by the University of Arizona (2015) found that  dog owners who have direct contact with their pets are happier and enjoy better health. Apparently, it makes you less susceptible to disease.

Scientists  believe that the healthy bacteria and saliva found in dogs’ gastrointestinal tracts strengthen the immune system. 

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