What To Do To Prevent The Dog Bath From Becoming A Trauma

Many dogs find the dog bath completely superfluous. Your owners disagree. What can be done so that the matter does not become a trauma for the fur nose?
What to do so that the dog bath does not become a trauma

This scene is well known to many dog ​​owners: We prepare for the dog bath armed with a towel and dog shampoo , and the fur nose nimbly hides in the furthest corner of the house. With every dog bath , our pet gets more nervous and you are afraid of causing trauma to your dog. If you want to avoid that, then read the advice below. This can make bath time a pleasant affair.

Avoid letting the dog bath become trauma

The dog bath really doesn't have to be a trauma.

All dogs need a bath every now and then, but we can make it a little more comfortable for them. Here are some tips on the subject:

“Trick him out”

Yeah, we already know that sounds a bit mean. However, if you already know that your fur nose will run away at the first appearance of a dog bath, then you better prepare the whole thing a little more ingeniously. Just ask someone to walk your dog for a while. While the two are on the way, you can prepare everything in peace.

So your dog doesn’t know what to expect. When he comes home after the walk, he’ll be looking forward to seeing you again. There  you can hug him, hold him tight and slowly transport him towards the dog bath.

Don’t let him run away

That might sound a little obvious, but don’t forget to close the bathroom door. Otherwise your dog will run away at the first opportunity and you won’t see him for the rest of the day.

Talk to him or sing something to him

If the dog notices your trick and knows there is no going back, then it is normal for the dog to get scared and start shaking. The best way to calm him down is to tell him in a soft voice that everything is fine, that you are with him and that you love him.

You can also sing something to him. It has been proven that songs have a direct, beneficial effect on the dog’s mood.

The moment has come

After you’ve calmed the dog down a bit in the bathroom, now is the time to put him in the tub. Don’t fill the tub first. It is better that the fur nose stands in the empty tub and you slowly fill it with lukewarm water.

If you suddenly put the dog in the full tub, it can startle him even more. Wet it slowly. Start with your paws and slowly work your way up. Caress him with your hands as it calms him down.


Even if you don’t believe it, dogs hate being dried off. They find blow dryers particularly hideous. It is therefore best to start gently with a towel on your head.

There are also dry shampoos for dogs.

Then continue drying it over the back and down the paws. Be careful with this, and remember that dogs are sensitive. Circular movements without too much pressure are recommended. It would be best if you could dry the animal off without a hair dryer. The noise and wind that the hair dryers make make them dreaded items for our pets.

On sunny days you can just take your dog for a walk, this way his fur dries quickly.  Then when you come home you brush it. Dogs are also not fans of cologne or perfumes. However, if you insist on putting dog perfume on him, put some of it in your hands and stroke him. That makes the matter less traumatic for the fur nose.

These simple pieces of advice will help you prevent the dog bath from becoming a trauma. So it may be that he won’t be so reluctant the next time.

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