Why Doesn’t My Dog ​​have The Same Energy As Before?

Sometimes it can be due to an illness that you don’t recognize yourself. That is why it is important to have routine veterinary examinations performed on a regular basis.

You can’t avoid thinking back to the puppy days of the fur nose every now and then. How she tirelessly and energetically jumped and jumped everywhere! Now she seems to have calmed down and sleeps a lot.

But why doesn’t my dog ​​have the same  energy  as before?

If my dog ​​has less energy, it could be due to the following …

There are several reasons why dogs have less energy. It doesn’t have to mean something bad either. Here are a few listed:

He is no longer a puppy

Dogs have a long childhood. Actually, they are still puppies for up to a year , because they have so much energy and desire to play and let off steam. It can also happen that we see our dogs as puppies for much longer.

When a dog reaches a certain age, it has less energy, even if it is far from old. Of course he still likes to go for a walk and play every now and then, but it’s not like when he was a puppy. 

That’s just life. You can get an idea of ​​what stage your dog is in by multiplying their age by seven. 

The season

As with us humans, the seasons also influence the energy of our dogs. There are also dogs who love the cold and others who prefer the warmth much more.

However, dogs become particularly lethargic during hot days. They’d rather doze off more and go for less walks.

Actually, you don’t have to mention that you ca n’t drag your dog out into the midday heat during the summer months . In addition, you should always have water with you even in the hours of more moderate temperatures .

Best to go out early in the morning or late at night when it’s a little cooler.


That would be one of the worst reasons your dog could run out of energy.

If you notice that he is just hanging around and looking at you out of the corner of his eye, when he no longer wants to move out of the basket and neither the walker nor the ball game motivate him, even if he no longer likes to eat, then it may be, that your dog is depressed.

When in doubt, don’t just think it’s too hot or your dog has grown up, but take him to the vet.

He then determines what is really missing your dog. If it’s not bad, so much the better. Otherwise, depression will be diagnosed early and easier to cure.


Illness can also steal your dog’s energy. It could be serious or just mild gastrointestinal flu.

But our pets don’t speak human language, they prefer to retire to their basket or their favorite corner and wait until it’s all over.

The dog is aging

There is a moment in a dog’s life, when the animal gets older, when its  appearance and health  changes drastically.

The dog may have developed  arthritis or some other degenerative disease that makes them feel pain while playing and walking. That’s why he doesn’t feel like it anymore.

With age, the animals also gradually lose their vitality. So don’t be scared if at some point your dog just doesn’t have the same energy as it used to. Often this is simply part of the dog’s life.

You should of course always pay attention to unusual symptoms and discuss them with the veterinarian during an examination.

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