Why Dogs Yawn

We’ve already talked about dog body language and how each gesture has a deep and different meaning.
Why dogs yawn

You have probably seen your dog yawning for no apparent reason. Why dogs yawn: are they always tired? While it may seem surprising, your dog’s yawning is part of their body language and they are trying to say something more meaningful. Here we analyze what that is.

We’ve already talked about dog body language and how each gesture has a deep and different meaning. Today we’re going to give you an overview of these and, among other things, we’ll explain why dogs yawn.

The body language of dogs

Why dogs yawn - dog's snout

There are many physical signs in our dogs that matter. Here are some of them:

  • Licking the muzzle. If this is done repeatedly and with some tension, it means stress, boredom, and anxiety. If it becomes a repetitive and compulsive act, it is best to take the animal to the veterinarian.
  • Panting. If you play or train your dog for a long time, it makes sense for him to gasp. But if he hasn’t played or trained and gasps like a madman like he’s drowning, it can be stressful. Yes, dogs get stressed. Why? The vet is the one who can best answer this question.
  • Shake. Occasionally, this can mean that they are wet or they are itchy, but if it becomes obsessive it can also be a sign of nervousness.
  • Rejecting food. This can happen through several things: he doesn’t like the food, he’s nervous, or he’s sick. If you’re changing food and your dog is still having the same reaction, it’s best to take him to the vet.

    These are just a few examples of our dog’s body language that indicate physical or mental disorders. However, there are many others that we need to pay attention to, including when dogs are yawning. Let’s find out what the latest studies have shown in this regard.

    Why dogs yawn

    There is a scientific reason for yawning in dogs. When dogs yawn, their heart rate increases and more blood reaches the brain, as well as increasing the oxygen supply to the lungs. In this way they recharge their energy and overcome nervousness, fear and stress.

    However, at the University of Tokyo, they have a much more flashy and fun theory : dogs yawn out of empathy. Yes, when your dog sees you yawning, he has to do it as if it was something contagious, which creates a very strong emotional bond between you.

    That doesn’t sound too weird considering the fact that yawning is contagious has been known for years. If we can infect each other, what prevents you from infecting your pet with it?

    Why dogs yawn - dog's tongue

    The same will not happen to them with strangers because the University of Tokyo believes this is a way to show unconditional love to their owners. Unknown people are therefore not imitated.

    Something very curious is that if we fake a yawn and try to get our dog to imitate us, it doesn’t have the same effect. We already know the intelligence and instinct of animals, and that shows once more in this gesture.

    So if you want to have a special relationship with your dog you should yawn, but do it right.

    Animals don’t stop surprising us, because every time we recognize more actions with which they show us their love and unconditional loyalty.

    Watch your dog and don’t ignore his or her body language. As we have seen, he tries to tell you something with every gesture, look and movement.

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