Why Pets Are Good For Children

The positive effects of dogs and cats on children have been confirmed in numerous studies.
Why pets are good for kids

Pets are  good for children  because they improve the immune system, which makes little ones more disease resistant. But that’s not all, pets have many more advantages for the smallest of the house.

Small children who are in contact with pets are exposed to increased bacteria,  which strengthens their immune system. This allows you to develop mechanisms for self-protection and grow up healthier.

Babies under one year old who live  with pets, for example, are much less likely to have colds during the cold season. 

Ear infection

Pets are good for children

Ear infections are common in young children. However, various studies have shown that babies who live with dogs or cats are less likely to get it. The young patients also need less medication for recovery if they still fall ill.

Better immune system

As mentioned earlier, pets are  good for children  as they strengthen the immune system. Children with dogs or cats usually stay outdoors longer. They are exposed to more microorganisms on walks with the dog or daily adventures with the cat.

This is good for the children because it strengthens their immune system. The child develops healthier and is better protected against infections and diseases.

Pets are good not just for kids, but for the whole family

The positive effects of dogs and cats on children have been confirmed in numerous studies. For adults too, pets have many healthy benefits. People who have a heart attack have a longer life expectancy when they have a dog.

In the elderly  , dogs and cats reduce the risk of depression and other mental health problems that can result from loneliness. You have to take responsibility for the fur noses and take care of them. The animals are grateful for this and give their owners a lot of love.

Pet Responsibility

Living with animals has many positive effects on the psychological development of children. The child learns not to disturb the pet while it is sleeping, to feed it, empty the litter box or take the dog for a walk. Of course, it also learns how to treat animals with care. 

The child can take responsibility and learn to understand the needs of others. The pleasant feeling and the contact with the animal also improve self-confidence as well as social skills and the exchange with the environment.

Children who find it difficult to deal with others, or children with autism, Down syndrome or other disorders, can  particularly benefit from dealing with an animal. The pet can improve communication with the outside world and is at the same time a loyal playmate who, however, also needs to be cared for and looked after.

This is why  pets are good for children  because they learn to take responsibility for a living being and to look after it on a daily basis.

Other pet benefits

Pets are good for children

When a child learns to write and read, they  can be under pressure because their parents or older siblings want to see progress as quickly as possible. Classmates also often exert pressure. So that the child has more desire to read, you can tell them to read to their pet, because the animal does not care whether the child reads faster or slower. It is a perfect companion for learning.

Children with pets also learn to better control their impulses. They also improve their social skills with other children and their self-esteem. You have a hairy friend at home who accepts you for who you are and makes no changes or demands. You just have to love and care for the animal.

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