You Don’t Like My Master? Then Stay Away From Me

For a long time it was assumed that only humans have empathy. But various studies have refuted this. 
You don't like my master  Then stay away from me

Dogs feel very precisely when someone does not get on well with their master or mistress or wants to cause harm.

Some have provoked the reaction themselves by having a friend pretend to hit their  master  or mistress. Most dogs respond with wild barking or defensive strategies. If you don’t like someone yourself, then your dog doesn’t like that person either!

This reaction is not surprising, as dogs are naturally committed to loyalty. They adore their families and would do anything for them. If you don’t like someone, that person will have to stay away from your dog. 

This pattern of behavior has been scientifically confirmed. We’ll take a closer look at this study.

Study confirms that if you don’t like someone, then your dog doesn’t like that person either

Dog with mistress and master

This study was conducted at Kyoto University, where 54 dogs were observed in three different scenarios.

In the first situation, the dog owner tries to open a container that is also where two strangers are standing. One of the strangers doesn’t let the owner open the container, the other stands quietly by it.

In the second situation, the dog owner asks for help to open the container. One person helps, the other just watches what’s going on.

In the third and final situation, there is no communication between the three people.

Then the second and third persons were asked to offer food to the dogs in order to gain their trust. The dogs refused to eat those who had treated their owners badly, whether it was their favorite food or not. They only accepted the third person’s food.

For a long time it was assumed  that only humans have empathy. But this and other studies have refuted this. 

So be very careful how you treat dog owners, because the karma could turn against you!

Why does the owner know that his dog likes him?

Make no mistake about it, we all want to be defended and to feel loved. Dogs are unique at showing emotion no matter what they have to do to prove it.

Master with family and dog

If you have several family members, you are not always sure who the dog actually loves most. Here’s how you can find out:

  • What does your dog do after eating? This question is important because it tells you how your dog feels about you. If he comes to you instead of playing with the ball, it is not only a sign of gratitude, but also of love.
  • Where does your dog sleep Not everyone wants their dog to sleep in their room, let alone in their bed. But if your dog insists on doing it, it means he is very close to you.
  • Watch his reaction when you leave. If your dog gets nervous, it is just a sign of separation anxiety. To show that he loves you and that he trusts you, he will keep calm.
  • How much do you love your dog Dogs can feel how strong your feelings are for him, so his love is directly proportional to yours.

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